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Treebank Statistics: UD_Old_Church_Slavonic-PROIEL: POS Tags: DET

There are 51 DET lemmas (1%), 915 DET types (2%) and 8366 DET tokens (4%). Out of 14 observed tags, the rank of DET is: 8 in number of lemmas, 7 in number of types and 8 in number of tokens.

The 10 most frequent DET lemmas: мои, твои, свои, вьсь, сь, тъ, нашь, вашь, инъ, самъ

The 10 most frequent DET types: моі, твоѣ, моѣ, мои, мое, твое, твоего, моего, сего, того

The 10 most frequent ambiguous lemmas: мои (DET 1561, PRON 32), твои (DET 1466, PRON 31), свои (DET 1378, PRON 55), вьсь (DET 1167, PRON 481, NOUN 63), сь (PRON 1036, DET 615, INTJ 6, ADP 1), тъ (PRON 965, DET 538, VERB 1), нашь (DET 452, PRON 12), вашь (DET 307, PRON 4), инъ (DET 143, PRON 119), самъ (PRON 141, DET 138)

The 10 most frequent ambiguous types: моі (DET 202, PRON 3), твоѣ (DET 187, PRON 10), моѣ (DET 187, PRON 5), мои (DET 165, PRON 1), мое (DET 156, PRON 5), твое (DET 130, PRON 4), моего (DET 119, PRON 3), сего (PRON 129, DET 113), того (PRON 145, DET 111), тъ (PRON 218, DET 105, ADP 4, VERB 1)


The form / lemma ratio of DET is 17.941176 (the average of all parts of speech is 5.263244).

The 1st highest number of forms (127) was observed with the lemma “вьсь”: ВЬСХЪ, в’сѭ, вʼса, вʼсеи, вʼсемь͗, вʼсⱕ, весъ, весь, вса, все, всего, всеи, всеи҆, всемоу, всемъ, всемь, всеѧ҆, всеѭ̑, вси, всхъ, всь, всѣ, всѣми, всѣмъ, всѣмь, всѣхъ, всѧ, всѫ, всꙙ, въсе, въсего, въсеі, въсеѩ, въси, въсъ, въсь, въсі, въсѣ, въсѣмъ, въсѣхъ, въсѩ, въсѫ, вь, вь͑сь͑, вь͗са, вь͗се, вь͗сего, вь͗сеи, вь͗сеи͗, вь͗семоу, вь͗семъ, вь͗семь, вь͗сеѧ, вь͗сеѭ҄, вь͗си, вь͗сь, вь͗сь͗, вь͗сѣми, вь͗сѣмъ, вь͗сѣмь, вь͗сѣмь͗, вь͗сѣхъ, вь͗сѫ, вь͗сⱕ, вь͗сꙙ, вьс[ѣх]ъ, вьса, вьсе, вьсего, вьсеи, вьсеи͗, вьсеи҅, вьсемоу, вьсемъ, вьсемь, вьсеі, вьсеѧ, вьсеѩ, вьсеѭ, вьси, вьсъ, вьсь, вьсь͗, вьсь҆, вьсі, вьсѣ, вьсѣми, вьсѣмъ, вьсѣмь, вьсѣмь҆, вьсѣмі, вьсѣхъ, вьсѣхь, вьсѣцѣї, вьсѧ, вьсѩ, вьсѫ, вьсѭ, вьсꙙ, вь҆, вь҆са, вь҆се, вь҆сего, вь҆сеи, вь҆сеи҆, вь҆семоу, вь҆семъ, вь҆семь҆, вь҆сеѧ, вь҆сеѭ̑, вь҆си, вь҆сь, вь҆сь҆, вь҆сѣ, вь҆сѣми, вь҆сѣмъ, вь҆сѣмь, вь҆сѣмь҆, вь҆сѣмꙿ, вь҆сѣх, вь҆сѣхъ, вь҆сѫ, вь҆сꙙ, вь҆сꙿ, вⸯсь, вꙿсемь҆, вꙿсѣмъ.

The 2nd highest number of forms (111) was observed with the lemma “свои”: сво, свое, своего, своеи, своеи҅, своемоу, своемоу:, своемъ, своемь, своею, своеі, своеѩ, своеѩ҅, своеѫ, своеѭ, своеѭ҄, свое҅, свое҆и҆, свои, свои͑, свои͑ма, свои͑ми, свои͑мъ, свои͗, свои͗мъ, свои͗хъ, своима, своими, своимъ, своимь, своимі, своихъ, свои҅, свои҅ма, свои҅ми, свои҅ми҆, свои҅мъ, свои҅мꙿ, свои҅хъ, свои҆, свооемъ, своя, своя͑, своя͗, своі, своіемъ, своіма, своіми, своімъ, своімь, своімі, своіхъ, свої, своїми, своїмъ, своїмь, своїмі, своїхъ, своѣ, своѥ, своѥ͑го, своѥ͑и, своѥ͑и͗, своѥ͑мъ, своѥ͑ѧ͑, своѥ͑ѭ̑, своѥ͑ѭ҄, своѥ͗, своѥ͗и, своѥго, своѥи, своѥи҆, своѥмоу, своѥмъ, своѥю̑, своѥѧ, своѥѧ҆, своѥ҅, своѥ҅го, своѥ҅и, своѥ҅и҆, своѥ҅моу, своѥ҅мъ, своѥ҅мꙋ, своѥ҅ю̑, своѥ҅ю҄, своѥ҅ѧ, своѥ҅ѧ҆, своѥ҅ѭ̑, своѥ҅ѭ҄, своѥ҆, своѥ҆ѧ҆, своѥ҆ѭ̑, своѧ, своѧ҆, своѩ, своѩ҅, своѫ, своѭ, своѭ:, своѭ̑, своѭ̑., своѭ҄, своѭ҅, сво҄ꙇхъ, своꙇма, своꙇми, своꙇмъ, своꙇмь, своꙇхъ, своꙗ.

The 3rd highest number of forms (100) was observed with the lemma “мои”: м(ое), мо, мое, моего, моеи, моеи҅, моеи҆, моемоу, моему, моемъ, моемь, моемьемь, моею, моею҅, моеі, моеї, моеѩ, моеѩ҅, моеѭ, мое҅, мое҆, мои, мои͑ма, мои͑мъ, мои͑хъ, мои͗, моими, моимъ, моимь, моимі, моихъ, моих’, мои҅, мои҅ма, мои҅ми, мои҅мъ, мои҅мꙿ, мои҅хъ, мои҆, мою̑, моя, моя͗, моі, моіма, моіми, моімъ, моімь, моіхъ, мої, моїма, моїмъ, моїмь, моїхъ, моѣ, моѥ, моѥ͑, моѥ͑го, моѥ͑и͗, моѥ͑моу, моѥ͑мъ, моѥ͑ю̑, моѥ͑ю҄, моѥ͑ѧ, моѥ͑ѧ͗, моѥ͗, моѥго, моѥи, моѥи҆, моѥмъ, моѥю̑, моѥѧ, моѥѭ, моѥ҄и, моѥ҅, моѥ҅го, моѥ҅мо, моѥ҅моу, моѥ҅мъ, моѥ҅ю̑, моѥ҅ю҄, моѥ҅ѧ, моѥ҅ѧ҆, моѥ҆, моѥ҆го, моѥ҆и҆, моѧ, моѩ, моѭ, моѭ̑, моѭ҄, моꙇми, моꙇмъ, моꙇмь, моꙇхъ, моꙗ, моꙗ҆, мꙑмъ, оимъ, оімъ, оімь.

DET occurs with 6 features: Case (8366; 100% instances), Number (8366; 100% instances), Gender (8116; 97% instances), Person (5168; 62% instances), Poss (5168; 62% instances), Reflex (1379; 16% instances)

DET occurs with 21 feature-value pairs: Case=Acc, Case=Dat, Case=Gen, Case=Ins, Case=Loc, Case=Nom, Case=Voc, Gender=Fem, Gender=Fem,Masc, Gender=Fem,Neut, Gender=Masc, Gender=Masc,Neut, Gender=Neut, Number=Dual, Number=Plur, Number=Sing, Person=1, Person=2, Person=3, Poss=Yes, Reflex=Yes

DET occurs with 260 feature combinations. The most frequent feature combination is Case=Nom|Gender=Masc|Number=Sing (336 tokens). Examples: самъ, тъ, сь, единъ, весь, нѣкто, и҅же, сии, етеръ, о҅нъ


DET nodes are attached to their parents using 1 different relations: det (8366; 100% instances)

Parents of DET nodes belong to 9 different parts of speech: NOUN (7525; 90% instances), ADJ (288; 3% instances), VERB (247; 3% instances), PRON (205; 2% instances), PROPN (83; 1% instances), NUM (7; 0% instances), AUX (6; 0% instances), ADV (4; 0% instances), DET (1; 0% instances)

8255 (99%) DET nodes are leaves.

100 (1%) DET nodes have one child.

10 (0%) DET nodes have two children.

1 (0%) DET nodes have three or more children.

The highest child degree of a DET node is 3.

Children of DET nodes are attached using 11 different relations: fixed (47; 38% instances), advmod (21; 17% instances), conj (14; 11% instances), case (10; 8% instances), acl (9; 7% instances), appos (5; 4% instances), ccomp (5; 4% instances), nmod (5; 4% instances), discourse (4; 3% instances), cc (2; 2% instances), det (1; 1% instances)

Children of DET nodes belong to 10 different parts of speech: PRON (55; 45% instances), ADV (25; 20% instances), VERB (14; 11% instances), ADP (10; 8% instances), ADJ (7; 6% instances), NOUN (5; 4% instances), PROPN (3; 2% instances), CCONJ (2; 2% instances), DET (1; 1% instances), NUM (1; 1% instances)