: person
In Turkish, Person
is a feature of personal pronouns, and verbs.
marking on verbs are obligatory in Turkish for all finite verb forms.
The Person
marker on predicates indicate the subject when there is
no overt subject.
The verbal markers for person and number are composite, and their form change depending on the other suffixes attached to the verb.
The person/number marker of verbs may also be attached to the question particle -mI (-mi/mı/mu/mü), which is written separately.
METU-Sabancı treebank marks all nouns as having 3rd person agreement marker.
We do not mark nouns for Person
: first person
In singular, the first person refers just to the speaker / author. In plural, it must include the speaker and one or more additional persons.
It is used for pronouns ben ‘I’ and biz ‘we’ and their inflected forms, and verbs with a first person plural/singular agreement suffix.
- ben ‘I’
- benimle ‘with me’
- bizimki ‘the one that belongs to us’
- (ben) okudum ‘I read-PAST’ – note the optionality of the subject
- (biz) okuyacağız ‘We read-FUT’
: second person
In singular, the second person refers to the addressee of the utterance / text. In plural, it may mean several addressees and optionally some third persons too.
It is used for pronouns sen ‘you-SING’ and siz ‘you-PLU’ and their inflected forms, and verbs with a second person plural/singular agreement suffix.
The second person singular agreement suffix is null for verbs in imperative form.
- seni ‘you(SG)-ACC’
- sizinle ‘with you(PL)’
- sizde ‘you(PL)-LOC - on/at you(PL)’
- oku! ‘read!’
- (sen) okudun ‘you(SG) read-PAST’
- (siz) okuyacaksınız ‘you(PL) read-FUT’
: third person
The third person refers to one or more persons that are neither speakers nor addressees.
It is used for pronouns o ‘he/she/it’ and onlar ‘they’ and their inflected forms, and verbs with a second third plural/singular agreement suffix. The third person singular agreement suffix is null in most cases.
- ona ‘he/she/it-DAT’
- onlarla ‘with them’
- (o) okudu ‘he/she read-PAST’
- (onlar) okudu(lar) ‘they read-PAST’ – note the optionality of the agreement on the verb
- okudular ‘they read-PAST’
Person in other languages: [aqz] [arr] [bej] [bg] [bm] [cs] [cy] [en] [es] [eu] [fi] [fr] [ga] [gn] [gub] [hbo] [hu] [hy] [it] [ka] [ky] [myu] [pcm] [pt] [qpm] [quc] [ru] [sl] [tpn] [tr] [tt] [u] [uk] [urb] [urj]