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This page pertains to UD version 2.

Person: person

Values: 33 1 2 3 12 13 23

33: Person=33

When the object is third person, both arguments of a transitive verb are cross-referenced on the predicate. The patient is always cross-referenced by the relational of non-contiguity.


</tr> </table>

1: Person=1

First person


</tr> </table>

2: Person=2

Second person


</tr> </table>

3: Person=2

Third person


</tr> </table>

12: Person=12

Second person


</tr> </table>

13: Person=13

First person exclusive. When the object is third person, both arguments of a transitive verb are cross-referenced on the predicate. The patient is always cross-referenced by the relational of non-contiguity.


</tr> </table>

23: Person=23

Second person.

When the object is third person, both arguments of a transitive verb are cross-referenced on the predicate. The patient is always cross-referenced by the relational of non-contiguity.


</tr> </table>


Prague Dependency Treebank

The PDT tagset does not distinguish Ptan from Plur and Coll from Sing, therefore this distinction is not being made in the converted data.

Person in other languages: [aqz] [arr] [bej] [bg] [bm] [cs] [cy] [en] [es] [eu] [fi] [fr] [ga] [gn] [gub] [hbo] [hu] [hy] [it] [ka] [ky] [myu] [pcm] [pt] [qpm] [quc] [ru] [sl] [tpn] [tr] [tt] [u] [uk] [urb] [urj]