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cc: coordinating conjunction

A coordinating conjunction relation (cc) holds between the head conjunct of a coordinate structure (which is taken to be the first conjunct) and the preceding coordinating conjunction. This also includes the first element in paired conjunctions like “sia … sia” (both…and).

cc also marks the relation between a sentence initial coordinating conjunction and the sentence root.

Due bambini e quattro tecnici
cc(tecnici, e)
a il mare e su le strade
cc(strade, e)
Gli occhi luccicano e la bocca si tende .
cc(tende, e)
né auspicabile né fattibile
cc(auspicabile, né-1)
cc(fattibile, né-3)
conj(auspicabile, fattibile)
Ma già si parla di epurazioni
cc(parla, Ma)
Ma non è il caso di pensare
cc(caso, Ma)

Elements that can assume the role of cc are POS tagged as CONJ and SCONJ, but there are also some ADV elements that have the role of conjunctions because they are used in a multiword expressions (for more on that see fixed).

Il nome di Sartori , così come il quello di Alma , compare .
cc(quello, così)
fixed(così, come)

NB Note that punctuation is never treated as coordinating conjunction.

For more on coordination, see the conj relation.

cc in other languages: [bej] [bg] [bm] [cop] [cs] [de] [el] [en] [es] [et] [eu] [fi] [fr] [fro] [ga] [gsw] [hy] [it] [ja] [ka] [kk] [ky] [no] [pcm] [pt] [qpm] [ro] [ru] [sl] [sv] [swl] [tr] [u] [vi] [yue] [zh]