: coordinating conjunction
Coordinating conjunctions are marked as dependents of the first
coordinated element, and the dependency type used is cc
kirjat , kynät ja viivottimet \n books , pencils and rulers
conj(kirjat-1, kynät-3)
punct(kynät-3, ,-2)
cc(viivottimet-5, ja-4)
conj(kirjat-1, viivottimet-5)
Coordinating conjunctions that consist of parts separated by
coordinated elements are annotated so that the first part is marked with
the type cc:preconj and the second part with cc
in the regular
fashion. Adjacent parts of acting as a single conjunction are joined
together with the fixed dependency relation with the initial word
as the head and others as direct dependents of this word.
toisaalta kynät , toisaalta viivottimet \n on_the_one_hand pencils , on_the_other_hand rulers
cc:preconj(kynät-2, toisaalta-1)
punct(viivottimet-5, ,-3)
cc(viivottimet-5, toisaalta-4)
conj(kynät-2, viivottimet-5)
kynät ja / tai viivottimet \n pencils and / or rulers
cc(viivottimet-5, ja-2)
fixed(ja-2, /-3)
fixed(ja-2, tai-4)
conj(kynät-1, viivottimet-5)
Coordinating conjunctions are a closed class of words, and the main conjunctions are as follows:
- ja “and”
- sekä “and”
- sekä… että “both… and”
- -kä “attached to negation words, nor”
- eli “a.k.a.”
- tai “or”
- vai “or” (in a question context)
- joko… tai “either… or”
- mutta “but”
- vaan “but” (in a negative context)
In addition, certain less frequent words or combinations of words are marked as coordinating conjunctions in TDT, namely:
- &
- elikkä “colloquial version of eli, a.k.a”
- ja / tai “and / or”
- ja toisaalta “and on the other hand”
- kuin “as/like”
- kuin myös “as also”
- kuten “like also”
- milloin… milloin “when… when”
- mitä… sitä “the… the”
- niin… kuin “as well as”
- niin kuin “like”
- paitsi että “except that” (a two-part preconjunction, see cc:preconj)
- paitsi… myös “not only… but also”
- saati “let alone”
- saati että “let alone that”
- saatikka “let alone”
- samoin kuin “the same way as”
- siinä missä “as much as”
- sitä… mitä “the… the”
- sitä mukaa… mitä (a version of “the… the”)
- sun muuta “et cetera”
- toisaalta… ja/mutta toisaalta “on the one hand… and/but on the other hand”
- toisaalta… toisaalta “on the one hand… on the other hand”
- vaikka “although” (also a subordinating conjunction)
- vuoroin… ja vuoroin “in turn… and in turn”
- vuoroin… vuoroin “in turn… in turn”
- yhtä lailla… kuin (+kin) “as well as (also)”
- ym. “etc.”
cc in other languages: [bej] [bg] [bm] [cop] [cs] [de] [el] [en] [es] [et] [eu] [fi] [fr] [fro] [ga] [gsw] [hy] [it] [ja] [ka] [kk] [ky] [no] [pcm] [pt] [qpm] [ro] [ru] [sl] [ssp] [sv] [swl] [tr] [u] [vi] [xcl] [yue] [zh]