: punctuation
relation is used to annotate punctuation marks.
Two kinds of punctuations can be distinguished:
- Punctuation acting as a conjunction in coordinations
The rest of the punctuation marks
- Punctuation in coordination
Coordination in the Basque UD annotation follows the general schema where the first element of the conjunction is the head, and each conjunct, conjunction complementizer or puntuation mark acting as a conjunction should be attached to the first conjunct:
Zidane, Henry, Barthez, Deschamps, Blanc eta enparauek Europako Talde sendoena osatzen dute aditu gehienentzat .
Zidane, Henry, Barthez, Deschamps, Blanc and the rest form the most robust team of Europe according to most experts .
Zidane , Henry , Barthez , Deschamps , Blanc eta enparauek Europako talde sendoena osatzen dute aditu gehienentzat . \n Zidane , Henry , Barthez , Deschamps , Blanc and rest_the Europe_of team robust_the_most experts most_according_to .
punct(Henry-3, ,-2)
conj(Zidane-1, Henry-3)
punct(Barthez-5, ,-4)
conj(Zidane-1, Barthez-5)
punct(Deschamps-7, ,-6)
conj(Zidane-1, Deschamps-7)
punct(Blanc-9, ,-8)
conj(Zidane-1, Blanc-9)
cc(enparauek-11, eta-10)
conj(Zidane-1, enparauek-11)
nmod(talde-13, Europako-12)
obj(osatzen-15, talde-13)
amod(talde-13, sendoena-14)
aux(osatzen-15, dute-16)
nmod(osatzen-15, aditu-17)
det(aditu-17, gehienentzat-18)
punct(osatzen-15, .-19)
- The rest of the punctuation marks
Full stop is linked to the head of the sentence.
Eztabaida handia sortu du aldaketak .
The change has caused a huge discussion .
Eztabaida handia sortu du aldaketak . \n Discussion huge_a caused has change_the .
amod(Eztabaida-1, handia-2)
nobj(sortu-3, Eztabaida-1)
aux(sortu-3, du-4)
nsubj(sortu-3, aldaketak-5)
punct(sortu-3, .-6)
punct in other languages: [bej] [cop] [cs] [el] [en] [es] [eu] [fi] [fr] [ga] [hy] [it] [ja] [ka] [kk] [ky] [no] [pt] [qpm] [ru] [sl] [sv] [tr] [u] [urj] [yue] [zh]