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This page pertains to UD version 2.

punct: punctuation

punct relation is used to annotate punctuation marks.

Two kinds of punctuations can be distinguished:

Coordination in the Basque UD annotation follows the general schema where the first element of the conjunction is the head, and each conjunct, conjunction complementizer or puntuation mark acting as a conjunction should be attached to the first conjunct:

Zidane, Henry, Barthez, Deschamps, Blanc eta enparauek Europako Talde sendoena osatzen dute aditu gehienentzat .

Zidane, Henry, Barthez, Deschamps, Blanc and the rest form the most robust team of Europe according to most experts .

Zidane , Henry , Barthez , Deschamps , Blanc eta enparauek Europako talde sendoena osatzen dute aditu gehienentzat . \n Zidane , Henry , Barthez , Deschamps , Blanc and rest_the Europe_of team robust_the_most experts most_according_to .

punct(Henry-3, ,-2)
conj(Zidane-1, Henry-3)
punct(Barthez-5, ,-4)
conj(Zidane-1, Barthez-5)
punct(Deschamps-7, ,-6)
conj(Zidane-1, Deschamps-7)
punct(Blanc-9, ,-8)
conj(Zidane-1, Blanc-9)
cc(enparauek-11, eta-10)
conj(Zidane-1, enparauek-11)
nmod(talde-13, Europako-12)
obj(osatzen-15, talde-13)
amod(talde-13, sendoena-14)
aux(osatzen-15, dute-16)
nmod(osatzen-15, aditu-17)
det(aditu-17, gehienentzat-18)
punct(osatzen-15, .-19)

Full stop is linked to the head of the sentence.

Eztabaida handia sortu du aldaketak .

The change has caused a huge discussion .

Eztabaida handia sortu du aldaketak . \n Discussion huge_a caused has change_the .

amod(Eztabaida-1, handia-2)
nobj(sortu-3, Eztabaida-1)
aux(sortu-3, du-4)
nsubj(sortu-3, aldaketak-5)
punct(sortu-3, .-6)

punct in other languages: [bej] [cop] [cs] [el] [en] [es] [eu] [fi] [fr] [ga] [hy] [it] [ja] [ka] [kk] [ky] [no] [pt] [qpm] [ru] [sl] [sv] [tr] [u] [urj] [yue] [zh]