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neg: negation modifier

In Finnish, negation is marked using the verb ei, which is used as an auxiliary and assigned the dependency relation neg. The most commonly negated elements are verbs and verb phrases, but occasional exceptions in verbless constructions are allowed.

If a conjunction or adverb has been merged together with ei, as in for instance ettei (että+ei “that+not”) or miksei (miksi+ei “why+not”), then the word is marked as a conjunction or an adverb rather than a negation verb. However, eikä “and+not”, when it appears alone and not coordinating another clause or phrase, is still marked as neg.

Hän ei sanonut mitään . \n He didn't say anything .
nsubj(sanonut-3, Hän-1)
neg(sanonut-3, ei-2)
dobj(sanonut-3, mitään-4)
punct(sanonut-3, .-5)

Treebank Statistics (UD_Finnish)

This relation is universal.

1755 nodes (1%) are attached to their parents as neg.

1749 instances of neg (100%) are right-to-left (child precedes parent). Average distance between parent and child is 1.96923076923077.

The following 8 pairs of parts of speech are connected with neg: fi-pos/VERB-fi-pos/VERB (1478; 84% instances), fi-pos/ADJ-fi-pos/VERB (120; 7% instances), fi-pos/NOUN-fi-pos/VERB (111; 6% instances), fi-pos/ADV-fi-pos/VERB (32; 2% instances), fi-pos/AUX-fi-pos/VERB (5; 0% instances), fi-pos/PRON-fi-pos/VERB (4; 0% instances), fi-pos/PROPN-fi-pos/VERB (4; 0% instances), fi-pos/NUM-fi-pos/VERB (1; 0% instances).

# visual-style 4	bgColor:blue
# visual-style 4	fgColor:white
# visual-style 6	bgColor:blue
# visual-style 6	fgColor:white
# visual-style 6 4 neg	color:blue
1	Se	se	PRON	Pron	Case=Nom|Number=Sing|PronType=Dem	3	det	_	_
2	sisäinen	sisäinen	ADJ	A	Case=Nom|Degree=Pos|Number=Sing	3	amod	_	_
3	lapseni	lapsi	NOUN	N	Case=Nom|Number=Sing|Number[psor]=Sing|Person[psor]=1	6	nsubj	7:nsubj	_
4	ei	ei	VERB	V	Negative=Neg|Number=Sing|Person=3|VerbForm=Fin|Voice=Act	6	neg	_	_
5	vaan	vaan	ADV	Adv	_	6	advmod	_	_
6	suostu	suostua	VERB	V	Connegative=Yes|Mood=Ind|Tense=Pres|VerbForm=Fin	0	root	_	_
7	katoamaan	kadota	VERB	V	Case=Ill|InfForm=3|Number=Sing|VerbForm=Inf|Voice=Act	6	xcomp	_	SpaceAfter=No
8	.	.	PUNCT	Punct	_	6	punct	_	_

# visual-style 1	bgColor:blue
# visual-style 1	fgColor:white
# visual-style 3	bgColor:blue
# visual-style 3	fgColor:white
# visual-style 3 1 neg	color:blue
1	Eivätkö	ei	VERB	V	Clitic=Ko|Negative=Neg|Number=Plur|Person=3|VerbForm=Fin|Voice=Act	3	neg	_	_
2	olekin	olla	VERB	V	Clitic=Kin|Connegative=Yes|Mood=Ind|Tense=Pres|VerbForm=Fin	3	cop	_	_
3	kivat	kiva	ADJ	A	Case=Nom|Degree=Pos|Number=Plur	0	root	_	SpaceAfter=No
4	?	?	PUNCT	Punct	_	3	punct	_	_

# visual-style 2	bgColor:blue
# visual-style 2	fgColor:white
# visual-style 6	bgColor:blue
# visual-style 6	fgColor:white
# visual-style 6 2 neg	color:blue
1	-	-	PUNCT	Punct	_	6	punct	_	_
2	Ei	ei	VERB	V	Negative=Neg|Number=Sing|Person=3|VerbForm=Fin|Voice=Act	6	neg	_	_
3	kun	kun	ADV	Adv	_	6	advmod	_	_
4	ihan	ihan	ADV	Adv	_	6	advmod	_	_
5	aikuisten	aikuinen	NOUN	N	Case=Gen|Number=Plur	6	nmod:poss	_	_
6	töissä	työ	NOUN	N	Case=Ine|Number=Plur	0	root	_	SpaceAfter=No
7	.	.	PUNCT	Punct	_	6	punct	_	_

Treebank Statistics (UD_Finnish-FTB)

This relation is universal.

2898 nodes (2%) are attached to their parents as neg.

2887 instances of neg (100%) are right-to-left (child precedes parent). Average distance between parent and child is 2.02518978605935.

The following 8 pairs of parts of speech are connected with neg: fi-pos/VERB-fi-pos/VERB (2519; 87% instances), fi-pos/NOUN-fi-pos/VERB (181; 6% instances), fi-pos/ADJ-fi-pos/VERB (158; 5% instances), fi-pos/PRON-fi-pos/VERB (25; 1% instances), fi-pos/NUM-fi-pos/VERB (6; 0% instances), fi-pos/PROPN-fi-pos/VERB (5; 0% instances), fi-pos/ADV-fi-pos/VERB (3; 0% instances), fi-pos/X-fi-pos/VERB (1; 0% instances).

# visual-style 3	bgColor:blue
# visual-style 3	fgColor:white
# visual-style 4	bgColor:blue
# visual-style 4	fgColor:white
# visual-style 4 3 neg	color:blue
1	Dora	dora	PROPN	N,Prop,Sg,Nom	Case=Nom|Number=Sing	4	nsubj	_	_
2	puolestaan	puolestaan	ADV	Pcle	_	4	advmod	_	_
3	ei	ei	VERB	V,Neg,Act,Sg3	Negative=Neg|Number=Sing|Person=3|Voice=Act	4	neg	_	_
4	huolestunut	huolestua	VERB	V,Act,Ind,Past,Sg,ConNeg	Conneg=Yes|Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Tense=Past|Voice=Act	0	root	_	_
5	.	.	PUNCT	Pun	_	4	punct	_	_

# visual-style 2	bgColor:blue
# visual-style 2	fgColor:white
# visual-style 8	bgColor:blue
# visual-style 8	fgColor:white
# visual-style 8 2 neg	color:blue
1	Koiran	koira	NOUN	N,Sg,Gen	Case=Gen|Number=Sing	8	nsubj	_	_
2	ei	ei	VERB	V,Neg,Act,Sg3	Negative=Neg|Number=Sing|Person=3|Voice=Act	8	neg	_	_
3	pitäisi	pitää	VERB	V,Act,Cond,ConNeg	Conneg=Yes|Mood=Cnd|Voice=Act	8	aux	_	_
4	olla	olla	VERB	V,Act,InfA,Lat	Case=Lat|InfForm=1|VerbForm=Inf|Voice=Act	8	cop	_	_
5	minkään	mikään	DET	Pron,Qnt,Gen	Case=Gen	6	det	_	_
6	muun	muu	DET	Pron,Qnt,Sg,Gen	Case=Gen|Number=Sing	7	det	_	_
7	asian	asia	NOUN	N,Sg,Gen	Case=Gen|Number=Sing	8	nmod	_	_
8	korvike	korvike	NOUN	N,Sg,Nom	Case=Nom|Number=Sing	0	root	_	_
9	.	.	PUNCT	Pun	_	8	punct	_	_

# visual-style 2	bgColor:blue
# visual-style 2	fgColor:white
# visual-style 6	bgColor:blue
# visual-style 6	fgColor:white
# visual-style 6 2 neg	color:blue
1	Sinä	sinä	PRON	Pron,Pers,Sg2,Nom	Case=Nom|Number=Sing|Person=2|PronType=Prs	6	nsubj	_	_
2	et	ei	VERB	V,Neg,Act,Sg2	Negative=Neg|Number=Sing|Person=2|Voice=Act	6	neg	_	_
3	ole	olla	VERB	V,Act,Ind,Pres,ConNeg	Conneg=Yes|Mood=Ind|Tense=Pres|Voice=Act	6	cop	_	_
4	yhtään	yhtään	ADV	Adv	_	6	advmod	_	_
5	hänen	hän	DET	Pron,Pers,Sg3,Gen	Case=Gen|Number=Sing|Person=3|PronType=Prs	6	det	_	_
6	näköisensä	näköinen	ADJ	A,Sg,Nom,Px3	Case=Nom|Number=Sing|Person[psor]=3	0	root	_	_
7	!	!	PUNCT	Pun	_	6	punct	_	_

neg in other languages: [bg] [cs] [de] [el] [en] [es] [eu] [fa] [fi] [fr] [ga] [he] [hu] [it] [ja] [ko] [sv] [u]