Index: A abbreviation, abessive, ablative, above, absolute superlative, absolutive, accusative, active, actor-focus voice, additive, adelative, adessive, adlative, admirative, adverbial participle, affirmative, allative, animate, antipassive, aorist, article, aspect, associative, augmentative, B bantu noun class, below, benefactive, beneficiary-focus voice, C cardinal, caritive, case, causative case, causative voice, clusivity, collective noun, collective numeral, collective pronominal, comitative, common gender, comparative case, comparative degree, complex definiteness, conditional, conjunctive, considerative, construct state, converb, count plural, counting form, D dative, definite, definiteness, degree of comparison, deixis, deixis reference person, delative, demonstrative, desiderative, destinative, diminutive, direct case, direct voice, directional allative, distal, distributive case, distributive numeral, dual, E elative, elevated referent, emphatic, equative case, equative degree, ergative, essive, even, evidentiality, exclamative, exclusive, external part of speech, F factive, feminine, finite verb, first person, firsthand, foreign word, formal, fourth person, fraction, frequentative, future, G gender, genitive, gerund, gerundive, greater paucal, greater plural, H habitual, human, humbled speaker, I illative, imperative, imperfect tense, imperfective aspect, inanimate, inclusive, indefinite, indefinite pronominal, indicative, inelative, inessive, infinitive, informal, injunctive, inlative, instructive, instrumental, interrogative mood, interrogative pronominal, inverse number, inverse voice, irrealis, iterative, J jussive, L lative, location-focus voice, locative, M masculine, masdar, mass noun, medial, middle voice, modality, mood, motivative, multiplicative numeral, N narrative, necessitative, negative polarity, negative pronominal, neuter, nominative, non-finite verb, non-firsthand, non-human, non-past, non-specific indefinite, not visible, noun class, number, numeral type, O oblique case, optative, ordinal, P participle, partitive, passive, past, past perfect, patient-focus voice, paucal, perfective aspect, perlative, person, personal, pluperfect, plural, plurale tantum, polarity, politeness, positive degree, positive polarity, possessive, potential, present, preterite, privative, progressive, prolative, pronominal type, prospective, proximate, purposive case, purposive mood, Q quantifier, quantitative plural, quotative, R range numeral, realis, reciprocal pronominal, reciprocal voice, reduced definiteness, reflexive, register, relative, remote, S second person, set numeral, singular, singulare tantum, specific indefinite, subelative, subessive, subjunctive, sublative, superelative, superessive, superlative case, superlative degree, supine, T temporal, tense, terminal allative, terminative, third person, total, transgressive, translative, trial, typo, U uter, V verb form, verbal adjective, verbal adverb, verbal noun, vocative, voice, Z zero person