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This page pertains to UD version 2.

Typo: is this a misspelled word?

Values: Yes

Indicates an erroneous or typographically unexpected word form.

Most unexpected spellings are typographical errors (inadvertent on the part of the author). Also unexpected: creatively using special characters or spaces for visual effect; or unusual character encoding. For transcribed speech, no distinction is made between the original speaker and the transcriber, so a mispronunciation like shilly for silly is also treated like a typo. This feature can also encompass clear errors in word choice, such as learner errors and dysfluencies (e.g. lesser where fewer is appropriate, or eats instead of eat).

Note that “typographically unexpected” is interpreted in the context of the genre. Abbreviations or popular informal spellings are not necessarily unexpected. See Abbr.

Superfluous word-internal spaces are addressed using the goeswith relation to connect parts of the word. Typo=Yes should be used with the goeswith head (and this is enforced by validation for treebanks that use features).

The correct spelling can be indicated in the MISC column with the CorrectForm feature, as discussed in the page on typos.

Capitalization, etc.: Cases where an unexpected form of a letter is used within a word—e.g., unexpected capitalization choices—should be handled on a language- and treebank-specific basis. In a social media treebank, for example, it may not be practical to flag all nonstandard capitalization choices as Typo=Yes given the wide variability of capitalization in unedited writing.

Stylistic choices: Typo=Yes is intended for specifically orthographic unexpectedness, not unexpected word variants in general. If the author is taken to be signaling an intentionally modified pronunciation of a word, inventing a new word, or making a pun, that is not Typo if the unexpectedness is reflected phonologically. The optional Style feature may be useful in such cases. Deliberate, well-established conventions of altering the written forms of words, e.g. censoring profanity with nonalphabetic symbols, should also be considered expressive stylistic choices rather than typographical unexpectedness.

Extra words: For extra or missing words, see the policy on errors. A valid word that is superfluous in the sentence and attached as reparandum does not receive Typo=Yes.

Yes: it is typo


Typo in other languages: [fi] [hy] [u]