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Deixis: relative location encoded in demonstratives

Values: Abv Bel Even Med Nvis Prox Remt

Deixis is typically a feature of demonstrative pronouns, determiners, and adverbs. Its value classifies the location of the referred entity with respect to the location of the speaker or of the hearer. The common distinction is distance (proximate vs. remote entities); in some languages, elevation is distinguished as well (e.g., the entity is located higher or lower than the speaker).

If it is necessary to distinguish the person whose location is the reference point (speaker or hearer), the feature DeixisRef can be used in addition to Deixis. See also the Wolof examples below. DeixisRef is not needed if all deictic expressions in the language are relative to the same person (probably the speaker).

Prox: proximate

The entity is close to the reference point (e.g., to the speaker).


Med: medial

The entity is neither close nor far away from the reference point (e.g., from the speaker).


Remt: remote, distal

The entity is far away from the reference point (e.g., from the speaker).


Nvis: not visible

The entity is remote and not visible. In Khasi, where this distinction is made, the Remt value can be used to annotate “remote but visible”.


Abv: above the reference point

Occurs e.g. in Aghul [agx], Lak [lbe], and Khasi [kha]. The entity is both remote from the speaker and above them.


Even: at the same level as the reference point

Occurs e.g. in Lak [lbe]. The entity is both remote and at the same level as the speaker.


Bel: below the reference point

Occurs e.g. in Aghul [agx] and Khasi [kha]. The entity is both remote from the speaker and below them.


Deixis in other languages: [aqz] [bej] [hy] [mpu] [qpm] [u]