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Treebank Statistics: UD_Old_East_Slavic-Birchbark: POS Tags: DET

There are 36 DET lemmas (1%), 393 DET types (3%) and 722 DET tokens (3%). Out of 17 observed tags, the rank of DET is: 9 in number of lemmas, 7 in number of types and 12 in number of tokens.

The 10 most frequent DET lemmas: тотъ, мои, свои, твои, самъ, сеи, весь, вохъ, иже, иныи

The 10 most frequent DET types: то, своѥму, того, томъ, мои, моѧ, свои, свою, твои, мою

The 10 most frequent ambiguous lemmas: тотъ (DET 167, ADV 1), иже (DET 17, PRON 1), же (PART 132, DET 11, SCONJ 2, X 2), другыи (ADJ 20, DET 10), ничто (DET 9, PRON 1), и (CCONJ 724, PRON 149, X 20, DET 7, PART 3), ꙗзъ (PRON 415, DET 6), вы (PRON 56, DET 2), то (SCONJ 45, PART 13, DET 2, CCONJ 1, PRON 1), ты (PRON 308, DET 2)

The 10 most frequent ambiguous types: то (DET 56, SCONJ 42, PART 12, PRON 5, CCONJ 1), томъ (DET 14, PRON 2), томо (DET 8, PRON 1), же (PART 100, DET 7, X 3, SCONJ 2), ту (ADV 7, DET 5), само (DET 4, ADV 1), се (PART 40, PRON 6, DET 3, X 2), те (DET 3, X 3, PART 1, PRON 1), тъ (PRON 4, DET 3, PART 1), своимъ (DET 2, ADP 1)


The form / lemma ratio of DET is 10.916667 (the average of all parts of speech is 2.410435).

The 1st highest number of forms (53) was observed with the lemma “мои”: (моӏ)мо, -[ое, [мо]ӏ, [моеи]…, м(о)имъ, м(ое)мꙋ, м)[ое]му, моеи, мо, м[о]є[и], м]оѥи, мо(и), мо(ѥю), мо)ѥмо, мо:е:го, мо:ю, мо(ѥ)[м]о, моѥго, мо[и, мо[их]о, мое, мое[и, моега, моего, моеи, моемо, моемѹ, моемꙋ, мои, моим, моими, моимъ, моихъ, мою, мою], моѥ, моѥго, моѥи, моѥму, моѥӏ, моѧ, моӏ, моӏмо, моӏхо, моӏхъ, моӏхь, мо…, мъѥ, мъи, мъихъ, мъю, мъѥ, мъѥи.

The 2nd highest number of forms (50) was observed with the lemma “свои”: (с)воѥму, (с)въѥи, с(воемѹ), с]воѥм·у, св)ою, своѥму, св[о]…, сво(емꙋ), своим[ꙑ], сво[е], своѥ, своѥ[м]ъ, своимъ, своими, своимо, своимъ, своихъ, свомо, свомъ, свою, своєму, своѣхъ, своѥ, своѥго, своѥгъ, своѥи, своѥму, своѥмъ, своѥмь, своѥмѹ, своѥмꙋ, своѧ, своӏ, своӏмъ, своӏхъ, свъемъ, свъѥ…, свъѧ.

The 3rd highest number of forms (50) was observed with the lemma “тотъ”: (т)[о]го, (т)о, (т)омо, (то)мъ, [т]о, [т]омь, [т]ѹ, [то, [тог]о, т(о, т[о], т, та, те, техъ, ти, тим[ъ], тиме, тими, тихъ, тию, то, то:е, томо, томѹ, то[го], тога, того, тои, том, томо, тому, томуо, томъ, томь, томѹ, тото, тоѣ, ту, тъ, тъмѹ, тъто, тѣ, тѣх, тꙋ, тꙑ, тꙑи, тꙑми, тꙑх, тꙑхъ.

DET occurs with 7 features: Case (707; 98% instances), Number (693; 96% instances), Gender (596; 83% instances), PronType (21; 3% instances), Variant (3; 0% instances), Animacy (2; 0% instances), Typo (1; 0% instances)

DET occurs with 18 feature-value pairs: Animacy=Anim, Case=Acc, Case=Acc,Gen, Case=Dat, Case=Gen, Case=Ins, Case=Loc, Case=Nom, Gender=Fem, Gender=Masc, Gender=Neut, Number=Dual, Number=Plur, Number=Sing, PronType=Ind, PronType=Rel, Typo=Yes, Variant=Short

DET occurs with 67 feature combinations. The most frequent feature combination is Case=Nom|Gender=Masc|Number=Sing (81 tokens). Examples: мои, саме, твои, само, самъ, самь, твоӏ, тъ, (са)[м]е, –мъ


DET nodes are attached to their parents using 17 different relations: det (399; 55% instances), obl (86; 12% instances), obj (66; 9% instances), nsubj (60; 8% instances), iobj (23; 3% instances), root (21; 3% instances), dep (18; 2% instances), advmod (16; 2% instances), conj (13; 2% instances), amod (4; 1% instances), nmod (4; 1% instances), parataxis (4; 1% instances), orphan (3; 0% instances), reparandum (2; 0% instances), advcl (1; 0% instances), appos (1; 0% instances), dislocated (1; 0% instances)

Parents of DET nodes belong to 10 different parts of speech: NOUN (380; 53% instances), VERB (216; 30% instances), DET (26; 4% instances), ADJ (22; 3% instances), X (22; 3% instances), (21; 3% instances), PROPN (19; 3% instances), PRON (10; 1% instances), NUM (5; 1% instances), ADV (1; 0% instances)

517 (72%) DET nodes are leaves.

147 (20%) DET nodes have one child.

35 (5%) DET nodes have two children.

23 (3%) DET nodes have three or more children.

The highest child degree of a DET node is 11.

Children of DET nodes are attached using 18 different relations: punct (78; 26% instances), case (77; 25% instances), advmod (39; 13% instances), cc (28; 9% instances), nsubj (17; 6% instances), acl:relcl (11; 4% instances), dislocated (10; 3% instances), dep (9; 3% instances), det (9; 3% instances), cop (5; 2% instances), orphan (5; 2% instances), acl (3; 1% instances), advcl (3; 1% instances), conj (3; 1% instances), nmod (2; 1% instances), reparandum (2; 1% instances), goeswith (1; 0% instances), obl (1; 0% instances)

Children of DET nodes belong to 14 different parts of speech: PUNCT (78; 26% instances), ADP (77; 25% instances), CCONJ (30; 10% instances), DET (26; 9% instances), PART (26; 9% instances), NOUN (20; 7% instances), VERB (13; 4% instances), PRON (11; 4% instances), X (8; 3% instances), AUX (6; 2% instances), PROPN (4; 1% instances), SCONJ (2; 1% instances), ADV (1; 0% instances), NUM (1; 0% instances)