Alphabetical listing
- Abbr: abbreviation
- AdpType: adposition type
- Animacy: animacy
- Aspect: aspect
- Case: case
- ConjType: conjunction type
- Degree: degree of comparison
- Foreign: is this a foreign word?
- Gender: gender
- Gender[psor]: possessor’s gender
- Hyph: hyphenated compound or part of it
- Mood: mood
- NameType: type of named entity
- Negative: whether the word can be or is negated
- NumForm: numeral form
- NumType: numeral type
- NumValue: numeric value
- Number: number
- Number[psor]: possessor’s number
- Person: person
- Poss: possessive
- PrepCase: case form sensitive to prepositions
- PronType: pronominal type
- Reflex: reflexive
- Style: style or sublanguage to which this word form belongs
- Tense: tense
- Variant: alternative form of word
- VerbForm: form of verb or deverbative
- Voice: voice