Treebank Statistics: UD_Ottoman_Turkish-DUDU: Features: Case
This feature is universal.
It occurs with 7 different values: Abl
, Acc
, Dat
, Gen
, Ins
, Loc
, Nom
374 tokens (46%) have a non-empty value of Case
356 types (59%) occur at least once with a non-empty value of Case
312 lemmas (65%) occur at least once with a non-empty value of Case
The feature is used with 7 part-of-speech tags: NOUN (285; 35% instances), PROPN (28; 3% instances), ADJ (20; 2% instances), VERB (18; 2% instances), PRON (17; 2% instances), AUX (3; 0% instances), NUM (3; 0% instances).
285 NOUN tokens (93% of all NOUN
tokens) have a non-empty value of Case
The most frequent other feature values with which NOUN
and Case
co-occurred: Person=3 (284; 100%), Number=Sing (256; 90%), Number[psor]=EMPTY (191; 67%), Person[psor]=EMPTY (191; 67%).
tokens may have the following values of Case
(20; 7% of non-emptyCase
): ʿaşḳtan, atdan, ayaġından, deveden, deñizinden, kütlesinden, lisânlardan, nevʿinden, tafṣiliyyeden, târîḫindenAcc
(14; 5% of non-emptyCase
): adın, bâdâmı, esâsiyesini, keçe, kimseyi, medeniyyet, sitemi, valsini, şeyʾi, ḳapudınıDat
(38; 13% of non-emptyCase
): üzerine, altına, içine, ḥalḳa, cihete, dile, dostına, döşegine, düşmenine, dışarıyaGen
(34; 12% of non-emptyCase
): ahkâm-ı, ahâlîmizin, anasınıñ, aġaçlarıñ, beḳâ-yı, dostuñ, du’ânuñ, edille-i, ferʿiyye-i, insânuñIns
(5; 2% of non-emptyCase
): berekâtıyla, birligiyle, cihetle, defterile, şekerleLoc
(18; 6% of non-emptyCase
): cânibinde, dünyada, dünyâda, dışarıda, eyâletinde, içeride, miḳdârçe, müslümânlıḳta, sefîrinde, vaḳtteNom
(156; 55% of non-emptyCase
): oġlan, aġa, begler, idrâk, vaḳt, altunı, anası, asker-i, av, ayaġıEMPTY
(21): var, yoḳ, aḳvâl-i, bâl-ı, cemâʿat-i, ka‘be-i, risâle-i, sözde, tîr-i, ḫâne-i
Paradigm şeyʾ | Acc | Dat | Gen |
şeyʾi | şeyʾe | şeyʾin, şeyʾiñ |
seems to be lexical feature of NOUN
. 93% lemmas (226) occur only with one value of Case
28 PROPN tokens (100% of all PROPN
tokens) have a non-empty value of Case
The most frequent other feature values with which PROPN
and Case
co-occurred: Number=Sing (27; 96%), Person=3 (24; 86%).
tokens may have the following values of Case
(3; 11% of non-emptyCase
): hindden, paşadan, yemendenDat
(2; 7% of non-emptyCase
): otaġa, pâşâyaGen
(5; 18% of non-emptyCase
): efendinin, iṣfahânuñ, waldteufelin, ʿos̱mânîyenin, ḫıżırınNom
(18; 64% of non-emptyCase
): arizona, bayındır, boġdân, celâlî, cânân, dirse, eflâḳ, gûn, ibrâhim, islâm-ı
seems to be lexical feature of PROPN
. 100% lemmas (28) occur only with one value of Case
20 ADJ tokens (26% of all ADJ
tokens) have a non-empty value of Case
The most frequent other feature values with which ADJ
and Case
co-occurred: Person=3 (19; 95%), Number=Sing (18; 90%).
tokens may have the following values of Case
(1; 5% of non-emptyCase
): mecâzîdenAcc
(1; 5% of non-emptyCase
): şerîfeʾiDat
(1; 5% of non-emptyCase
): tîzeGen
(2; 10% of non-emptyCase
): nefîsenin, ʿaliyyenüñIns
(2; 10% of non-emptyCase
): iḳbâlle, manṣûrlaLoc
(1; 5% of non-emptyCase
): muʿammâdaNom
(12; 60% of non-emptyCase
): dost, düşmen, firistâde, merkûz, var, şâmil, şâyân, ʿazamı, ḥaḳîḳat, ḫaberdârEMPTY
(57): bütün, ḳara, başḳa, olan, aldıġı, az, aġca, aʿlâ, bir, bî-pâk
seems to be lexical feature of ADJ
. 100% lemmas (20) occur only with one value of Case
18 VERB tokens (15% of all VERB
tokens) have a non-empty value of Case
The most frequent other feature values with which VERB
and Case
co-occurred: Evident=EMPTY (18; 100%), Mood=EMPTY (17; 94%), Number=Sing (17; 94%), Person=3 (17; 94%), Polarity=Pos (16; 89%), Aspect=EMPTY (14; 78%), Tense=EMPTY (14; 78%), VerbForm=Vnoun (13; 72%).
tokens may have the following values of Case
(1; 6% of non-emptyCase
): olduḳtanAcc
(1; 6% of non-emptyCase
): ḳaldıġınıDat
(6; 33% of non-emptyCase
): addolunmaġa, içmege, söyleye, yemege, yürümeye, ḳılınaGen
(1; 6% of non-emptyCase
): gitmeninNom
(9; 50% of non-emptyCase
): bulunmadıġı, girmekdür, girmesi, götürmek, itmek, yapması, yetişmekdür, çalışı, çıḳmaḳEMPTY
(105): olur, dedi, eydür, geldi, idesin, olduġu, olmaz, ova, ḳoyub, aldı
seems to be lexical feature of VERB
. 100% lemmas (17) occur only with one value of Case
17 PRON tokens (74% of all PRON
tokens) have a non-empty value of Case
The most frequent other feature values with which PRON
and Case
co-occurred: Person=3 (15; 88%), Number=Sing (13; 76%).
tokens may have the following values of Case
(4; 24% of non-emptyCase
): bundan, andan, bunlardanAcc
(2; 12% of non-emptyCase
): beni, cümlesinDat
(2; 12% of non-emptyCase
): buña, nereyeGen
(3; 18% of non-emptyCase
): bunuñ, benimNom
(6; 35% of non-emptyCase
): ne, bu, cümlesi, ol, onlarEMPTY
(6): bu, bunı, cümle, cümlesin, kendi, sen
Paradigm bu | Nom | Dat | Gen | Abl |
Number=Sing | bu | buña | bunuñ | bundan |
Number=Plur | bunlardan |
3 AUX tokens (6% of all AUX
tokens) have a non-empty value of Case
The most frequent other feature values with which AUX
and Case
co-occurred: Aspect=EMPTY (3; 100%), Number=Sing (3; 100%), Person=3 (3; 100%), Polarity=EMPTY (3; 100%), Tense=EMPTY (3; 100%).
tokens may have the following values of Case
(3; 100% of non-emptyCase
): dur, turEMPTY
(47): dir, dur, dır, dür, degil, dı, idi, sañ, tir, di
3 NUM tokens (11% of all NUM
tokens) have a non-empty value of Case
The most frequent other feature values with which NUM
and Case
co-occurred: NumType=Ord (3; 100%), Number=Sing (3; 100%), Person=3 (3; 100%).
tokens may have the following values of Case
(3; 100% of non-emptyCase
): birinci, ikinci, üçüncüEMPTY
(24): biñ, bir, on, iki, yedi, birer, dört, elli, sekiz, yetmiş
Relations with Agreement in Case
The 10 most frequent relations where parent and child node agree in Case
NOUN –[nsubj]–> NOUN (11; 52%),
NOUN –[conj]–> NOUN (8; 67%),
NOUN –[amod]–> NOUN (4; 67%),
NOUN –[obj]–> NOUN (3; 60%),
PROPN –[flat]–> NOUN (3; 100%),
PRON –[nsubj]–> NOUN (2; 100%),
ADJ –[conj]–> ADJ (1; 100%),
ADJ –[vocative]–> NOUN (1; 100%),
NOUN –[ccomp]–> NOUN (1; 100%),
NOUN –[conj]–> ADJ (1; 100%).