Treebank Statistics: UD_German-LIT: POS Tags: DET
There are 31 DET
lemmas (1%), 139 DET
types (2%) and 5881 DET
tokens (15%).
Out of 15 observed tags, the rank of DET
is: 8 in number of lemmas, 6 in number of types and 2 in number of tokens.
The 10 most frequent DET
lemmas: der, ein, alle, dieser, ihr, sein, welcher, kein, jeder, anderer
The 10 most frequent DET
types: der, die, ein, das, den, eine, des, dem, einer, alles
The 10 most frequent ambiguous lemmas: der (DET 3325, PRON 474), ein (DET 965, ADP 6), alle (DET 222, ADJ 3), ihr (DET 193, ADJ 1), sein (AUX 1248, DET 190, VERB 41, NOUN 2), viel (DET 62, ADV 30), beide (DET 31, ADV 2), wenig (DET 30, ADV 16, X 1), derselbe (DET 26, ADV 1, NOUN 1, VERB 1, X 1), mehr (ADV 67, DET 25)
The 10 most frequent ambiguous types: der (DET 1094, PRON 107), die (DET 829, PRON 177), ein (DET 319, ADP 6), das (DET 279, PRON 67), den (DET 304, PRON 21), eine (DET 273, ADJ 1), dem (DET 228, PRON 31), alle (DET 56, ADJ 1), ihre (DET 51, ADJ 1), andre (DET 34, NOUN 1, X 1)
- der
- die
- ein
- das
- den
- eine
- DET 273: und sogar die Stoiker hielten die Urbanität für eine Tugend .
- ADJ 1: Der Wert steigt mit der Größe ganz unverhältnismäßig ; und manche , die bei einem enthusiastischen Geist und barockem Äußern , noch beseelte Akzente , frisches Kolorit und eine krystallne Durchsichtigkeit haben , die man mit dem Wasser der Diamanten vergleichen möchte , sind gar nicht mehr zu taxieren .
- dem
- alle
- ihre
- andre
- DET 34: Einige verdampfen , andre werden zu Wasser .
- NOUN 1: Soll dieser Unterschied nicht gelten , so ist s sehr ungerecht einige Narren einzusperren , während man andre ihr Glück machen läßt .
- X 1: Die Verfassung sei republikanisch , wobei immer erlaubt bleibt , daß einige Teile aktiv andre passiv sein .
The form / lemma ratio of DET
is 4.483871 (the average of all parts of speech is 1.310429).
The 1st highest number of forms (8) was observed with the lemma “anderer”: andere, anderes, andern, anders, andre, andren, andrer, andres.
The 2nd highest number of forms (8) was observed with the lemma “ein”: ‘n, ein, eine, einem, einen, einer, eines, eins.
The 3rd highest number of forms (8) was observed with the lemma “unser”: unser, unsere, unserer, unserm, unsern, unsers, unsre, unsrer.
occurs with 12 features: PronType (5881; 100% instances), Definite (4299; 73% instances), NumType (996; 17% instances), Case (529; 9% instances), Person (418; 7% instances), Poss (418; 7% instances), Number[psor] (227; 4% instances), Gender[psor] (191; 3% instances), Number (169; 3% instances), Gender (52; 1% instances), Degree (47; 1% instances), Foreign (11; 0% instances)
occurs with 32 feature-value pairs: Case=Acc
, Case=Dat
, Case=Gen
, Case=Nom
, Definite=Def
, Definite=Ind
, Degree=Cmp
, Degree=Sup
, Foreign=Yes
, Gender=Fem
, Gender=Masc
, Gender=Neut
, Gender[psor]=Fem
, Gender[psor]=Masc
, Gender[psor]=Masc,Neut
, NumType=Card
, Number=Plur
, Number=Sing
, Number[psor]=Plur
, Number[psor]=Sing
, Person=1
, Person=2
, Person=3
, Poss=Yes
, PronType=Art
, PronType=Dem
, PronType=Ind
, PronType=Int
, PronType=Int,Rel
, PronType=Neg
, PronType=Prs
, PronType=Tot
occurs with 88 feature combinations.
The most frequent feature combination is Definite=Def|PronType=Art
(3214 tokens).
Examples: der, die, das, den, des, dem
nodes are attached to their parents using 18 different relations: det (4961; 84% instances), det:poss (391; 7% instances), nsubj (237; 4% instances), obj (93; 2% instances), obl (50; 1% instances), nmod (37; 1% instances), conj (25; 0% instances), obl:arg (23; 0% instances), advmod (19; 0% instances), root (13; 0% instances), nsubj:pass (11; 0% instances), parataxis (7; 0% instances), advcl (5; 0% instances), acl (3; 0% instances), appos (2; 0% instances), orphan (2; 0% instances), ccomp (1; 0% instances), flat (1; 0% instances)
Parents of DET
nodes belong to 12 different parts of speech: NOUN (5174; 88% instances), VERB (339; 6% instances), ADJ (175; 3% instances), DET (51; 1% instances), PROPN (39; 1% instances), AUX (31; 1% instances), PRON (24; 0% instances), ADV (18; 0% instances), (13; 0% instances), NUM (12; 0% instances), X (4; 0% instances), CCONJ (1; 0% instances)
5630 (96%) DET
nodes are leaves.
163 (3%) DET
nodes have one child.
45 (1%) DET
nodes have two children.
43 (1%) DET
nodes have three or more children.
The highest child degree of a DET
node is 7.
Children of DET
nodes are attached using 25 different relations: case (94; 21% instances), punct (57; 13% instances), advmod (56; 13% instances), acl (44; 10% instances), det (37; 8% instances), cc (32; 7% instances), nmod (27; 6% instances), conj (22; 5% instances), nsubj (17; 4% instances), cop (14; 3% instances), orphan (8; 2% instances), advcl (6; 1% instances), obl (4; 1% instances), amod (3; 1% instances), aux (3; 1% instances), mark (3; 1% instances), parataxis (3; 1% instances), xcomp (2; 0% instances), ccomp (1; 0% instances), csubj (1; 0% instances), det:poss (1; 0% instances), expl (1; 0% instances), fixed (1; 0% instances), nmod:poss (1; 0% instances), obj (1; 0% instances)
Children of DET
nodes belong to 14 different parts of speech: ADP (77; 18% instances), PUNCT (57; 13% instances), ADV (54; 12% instances), DET (51; 12% instances), NOUN (44; 10% instances), VERB (43; 10% instances), CCONJ (41; 9% instances), AUX (21; 5% instances), PRON (20; 5% instances), ADJ (16; 4% instances), PART (8; 2% instances), SCONJ (5; 1% instances), NUM (1; 0% instances), PROPN (1; 0% instances)