Treebank Statistics: UD_German-LIT: POS Tags: ADP
There are 80 ADP
lemmas (1%), 91 ADP
types (1%) and 2642 ADP
tokens (7%).
Out of 15 observed tags, the rank of ADP
is: 6 in number of lemmas, 7 in number of types and 8 in number of tokens.
The 10 most frequent ADP
lemmas: in, von, mit, zu, für, an, auf, durch, aus, nach
The 10 most frequent ADP
types: in, von, mit, für, auf, an, durch, zu, aus, nach
The 10 most frequent ambiguous lemmas: zu (PART 414, ADP 193, ADV 6), an (ADP 169, PART 8), durch (ADP 128, ADV 1), bei (ADP 73, ADJ 1), als (CCONJ 142, ADP 69, SCONJ 26), ohne (ADP 56, SCONJ 21), unter (ADP 42, ADV 1, X 1), um (SCONJ 41, ADP 30), bis (ADP 22, SCONJ 7, ADV 2, CCONJ 1), – (ADP 12, PROPN 2, X 2, NOUN 1)
The 10 most frequent ambiguous types: durch (ADP 120, ADV 1), zu (PART 414, ADP 118, ADV 6), als (CCONJ 142, ADP 64, SCONJ 26), ohne (ADP 50, SCONJ 21), unter (ADP 40, ADV 1, X 1), um (ADP 30, SCONJ 29), bis (ADP 22, SCONJ 7, ADV 2, CCONJ 1), am (ADP 20, PART 8), bey (ADP 9, PROPN 1), willen (ADP 7, VERB 2)
- durch
- zu
- als
- ohne
- unter
- ADP 40: Wieviel Autoren gibts wohl unter den Schriftstellern ?
- ADV 1: Poesie mischen sie nur zu der Nothdurft unter , weil sie nun einmal an eine gewisse Unterbrechung ihres täglichen Laufs gewöhnt sind .
- X 1: Das innere Leben verschwindet unter dieser Behandlung ; sie ist der jämmerlichste Selbstmord .
- um
- bis
- ADP 22: Das gilt bis auf einzelne Gedanken .
- SCONJ 7: und das Alte wird einem immer wieder neu , bis man selbst alt wird .
- ADV 2: Naiv ist , was bis zu der Ironie , oder bis zu dem steten Wechsel von Selbstschöpfung und Selbstvernichtung natürlich , individuell oder klassisch ist , oder scheint .
- CCONJ 1: Und doch ist jener Wahn allgemein geworden , von den Imperatoren der Poesie bis zu den geringsten Liktoren .
- am
- bey
- willen
The form / lemma ratio of ADP
is 1.137500 (the average of all parts of speech is 1.310429).
The 1st highest number of forms (4) was observed with the lemma “–”: a, en, par, à.
The 2nd highest number of forms (3) was observed with the lemma “in”: im, in, ins.
The 3rd highest number of forms (3) was observed with the lemma “zu”: zu, zum, zur.
occurs with 2 features: Foreign (10; 0% instances), Case (2; 0% instances)
occurs with 2 feature-value pairs: Case=Dat
, Foreign=Yes
occurs with 3 feature combinations.
The most frequent feature combination is _
(2630 tokens).
Examples: in, von, mit, für, auf, an, durch, zu, aus, nach
nodes are attached to their parents using 14 different relations: case (2523; 95% instances), compound:prt (73; 3% instances), nmod (12; 0% instances), mark (9; 0% instances), amod (5; 0% instances), obl (4; 0% instances), cc (3; 0% instances), fixed (3; 0% instances), flat (3; 0% instances), advmod (2; 0% instances), obl:arg (2; 0% instances), ccomp (1; 0% instances), conj (1; 0% instances), root (1; 0% instances)
Parents of ADP
nodes belong to 11 different parts of speech: NOUN (2086; 79% instances), PRON (207; 8% instances), VERB (103; 4% instances), DET (77; 3% instances), ADJ (72; 3% instances), PROPN (65; 2% instances), ADV (24; 1% instances), AUX (3; 0% instances), ADP (2; 0% instances), NUM (2; 0% instances), (1; 0% instances)
2617 (99%) ADP
nodes are leaves.
19 (1%) ADP
nodes have one child.
3 (0%) ADP
nodes have two children.
3 (0%) ADP
nodes have three or more children.
The highest child degree of a ADP
node is 8.
Children of ADP
nodes are attached using 13 different relations: fixed (14; 33% instances), flat (7; 17% instances), punct (5; 12% instances), conj (3; 7% instances), nmod (3; 7% instances), nsubj (2; 5% instances), obl (2; 5% instances), appos (1; 2% instances), aux (1; 2% instances), cc (1; 2% instances), cop (1; 2% instances), mark (1; 2% instances), obj (1; 2% instances)
Children of ADP
nodes belong to 10 different parts of speech: NOUN (21; 50% instances), PUNCT (5; 12% instances), ADJ (4; 10% instances), ADP (2; 5% instances), AUX (2; 5% instances), CCONJ (2; 5% instances), PRON (2; 5% instances), VERB (2; 5% instances), ADV (1; 2% instances), SCONJ (1; 2% instances)