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This page pertains to UD version 2.

nmod:poss: possessive nominal modifier

This subtype of nmod is used in (genitive-)possessive constructions. Typically, the head of the construction is a possessive noun phrase, and the dependent can be either in nominative or genitive case.

Ali'nin kitabı   \n Ali's book
nmod:poss(kitabı, Ali'nin)
Sabah kahvesi \n Morning coffee
nmod:poss(kahvesi, Sabah)

nmod:poss in other languages: [ab] [apu] [bej] [bm] [en] [fi] [ga] [hbo] [hy] [id] [jv] [koi] [kpv] [ky] [mdf] [myv] [pcm] [sms] [sv] [swl] [tr] [u] [vi]