: evidentiality
Values: | Nfh |
Evidentiality is the morphological marking of a speaker’s source of information. Khoekhoe has a marking only for non-first-hand evidentiality, whereas first-hand evidentiality is unmarked.
In Khoekhoe it is an auxiliary feature, used for the auxiliary koma.
: non-firsthand
Note that there is no No
value. If the clause does not have a non-first-hand evidential auxiliary, the Nfh
feature will not be mentioned in the FEAT column. (Which means that empty values have the No
- Aob ge koma a ǃgâi. “The man is supposedly good.”
Evident in other languages: [ab] [bor] [dar] [gub] [jaa] [ka] [ky] [tr] [u]