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This page pertains to UD version 2.

ExtPos: external part of speech


This feature differs significantly from all other features: It describes neither the lexical category, nor the inflectional paradigm slot of the token it appears on. Rather than to the individual token, it pertains to a multiword expression and indicates the part of speech that the expression would get if it were analyzed as a single word. ExtPos is annotated at the head node of the multiword expression. The possible values are taken from the defined UPOS tags and no other values are allowed (not even at the language-specific level). The main motivation for ExtPos is that the multiword expression may behave like a part of speech different from the UPOS of the head node; however, ExtPos is sometimes used even if it is identical to the UPOS of the head node. Also, it is not strictly necessary that the expression is multiword – if one of the words of the expression is omitted by mistake, or if a single word has been coerced into a part of speech different from its lexical one, ExtPos may be used to signal it.

Currently in Latvian ExtPos is used for fixed functional multiword expressions (the head node has one or more children attached via the fixed relation).

ADV: adverb-like expression


CCONJ: coordinating conjunction-like expression


DET: determiner-like expression


PART: multiword particle

All words in the construction are PART.


SCONJ: subordinator-like expression


ExtPos in other languages: [bej] [de] [en] [fr] [ha] [ht] [pcm] [pt] [u]