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iobj: indirect object

The indirect object (iobj) of a verb is any nominal phrase that is a core argument of the verb but is not its subject or direct object. As Basque is a language that distinguishes morphological cases, the indirect object is marked by the dative case.

Ikasleei esan zien arratsaldean ikasi behar zutela .

(He/she told the students that they needed to study in the evening .

Ikasleei esan zien arratsaldean ikasi behar zutela . \n Students_the_to told evening_the_in to_study needed_that

iobj(esan-2, Ikasleei-1)
aux(esan-2, zien-3)
nmod(esan-2, arratsaldean-4)
xcomp(behar-6, ikasi-5)
ccomp(esan-2, behar-6)
compound(behar-6, zutela-7)
punct(esan-2, .-8)

Ahalegin haundia egin du guri geografia irakasten .

(He/she) has made a great effort teaching us geography .

Ahalegin haundia egin du guri geografia irakasten .i \n  Effort great_a made has us geography teaching .

amod(Ahalegin-1, haundia-2)
dobj(egin-3, Ahalegin-1)
aux(egin-3, du-4)
advcl(egin-3, irakasten-7)
dobj(irakasten-7, geografia-6)
iobj(irakasten-7, guri-5)
punct(egin-3, .-8)

Djukanovicek aldaketa handia eman dio bere ildo politikoari .

Djukanovic has given a big change to his political course .

Djukanovicek aldaketa handia eman dio bere ildo politikoari . \n Djukanovic change big_a given has his course political_to .

nsubj(eman-4, Djukanovicek-1)
dobj(eman-4, aldaketa-2)
amod(aldaketa-2, handia-3)
aux(eman-4, dio-5)
nmod(ildo-7, bere-6)
amod(ildo-7, politikoari-8)
iobj(eman-4, ildo-7)
punct(eman-4, .-9)

iobj in other languages: [bej] [bg] [cop] [cs] [de] [el] [en] [es] [eu] [fr] [fro] [gsw] [gub] [hy] [it] [ja] [ka] [kk] [la] [no] [pcm] [pt] [qpm] [ro] [ru] [sl] [sv] [swl] [tr] [u] [vi] [yue] [zh]