: proper noun
A proper noun is a noun (or nominal content word) that is the name (or part of the name) of a specific individual, place, or object.
The tagPROPN
maps to the following tags in the BulTreeBank scheme: Np#
, H#
The tag Np#
refers to proper nouns, while the tag H#
handles two cases: 1. family names, which are
mapped here as proper nouns, and 2. name adjectives, which are mapped to adjectives.
- Мария, Иван / Maria, Ivan “Mary, John”
- София, Холандия / Sofiya, Holandia “Sofia, Holland”
- Иванов, Петрова / Ivanov, Petrova as in господин Иванов, госпожа Петрова / gospodin Ivanov, gospozha Petrova_ “Mr. Ivanov, Ms. Petrova”
- Клинтън / “Klintan” “Clinton”
Note that the symbol `#’, used in the Universal POS section indicates a holder for arbitrary number of features, suppressed in the respective tag as irrelevant in the BulTreeBank tagset, when mapped to the Universal one.
Treebank Statistics (UD_Bulgarian)
There are 2943 PROPN
lemmas (19%), 3020 PROPN
types (11%) and 8428 PROPN
tokens (5%).
Out of 16 observed tags, the rank of PROPN
is: 3 in number of lemmas, 4 in number of types and 7 in number of tokens.
The 10 most frequent PROPN
lemmas: българия, софия, иван, европа, ес, сдс, петър, стоянов, костов, георги
The 10 most frequent PROPN
types: България, София, Иван, ЕС, Европа, СДС, Петър, Стоянов, Костов, Георги
The 10 most frequent ambiguous lemmas: балкан (PROPN 34, NOUN 2), дпс (PROPN 25, NOUN 2), новинар (PROPN 20, NOUN 1), конституция (NOUN 19, PROPN 19), клинтън (PROPN 14, NOUN 2), дявол (PROPN 13, NOUN 5), надежда (NOUN 17, PROPN 13), христов (PROPN 13, ADJ 1), том (PROPN 12, NOUN 4), афп (PROPN 10, NOUN 1)
The 10 most frequent ambiguous types: ДПС (PROPN 25, NOUN 2), Балканите (PROPN 21, NOUN 1), Новинар (PROPN 20, NOUN 1), Клинтън (PROPN 14, NOUN 2), Конституцията (PROPN 14, NOUN 2), АФП (PROPN 10, NOUN 1), ООН (PROPN 10, NOUN 1), Подкрепа (PROPN 9, NOUN 1), АЕЦ (PROPN 8, NOUN 3), Балкан (PROPN 7, NOUN 1)
- Балканите
- Новинар
- Клинтън
- Конституцията
- Подкрепа
- Балкан
The form / lemma ratio of PROPN
is 1.026164 (the average of all parts of speech is 1.728233).
The 1st highest number of forms (5) was observed with the lemma “балкан”: Балкан, Балкана, Балкани, Балканите, Балканът.
The 2nd highest number of forms (4) was observed with the lemma “конституция”: КОНСТИТУЦИЯ, КОНСТИТУЦИЯТА, Конституция, Конституцията.
The 3rd highest number of forms (2) was observed with the lemma “александров”: АЛЕКСАНДРОВ, Александров.
occurs with 5 features: bg-feat/Number (8167; 97% instances), bg-feat/Definite (8163; 97% instances), bg-feat/Gender (8146; 97% instances), bg-feat/Case (4; 0% instances), bg-feat/Degree (2; 0% instances)
occurs with 11 feature-value pairs: Case=Acc
, Case=Voc
, Definite=Def
, Definite=Ind
, Degree=Pos
, Gender=Fem
, Gender=Masc
, Gender=Neut
, Number=Plur
, Number=Ptan
, Number=Sing
occurs with 20 feature combinations.
The most frequent feature combination is Definite=Ind|Gender=Masc|Number=Sing
(4889 tokens).
Examples: Иван, ЕС, СДС, Костов, Петър, Георги, Стоянов, Димитър, Йордан, Николай
nodes are attached to their parents using 14 different relations: bg-dep/nmod (4353; 52% instances), bg-dep/nsubj (1414; 17% instances), bg-dep/name (1267; 15% instances), bg-dep/conj (632; 7% instances), bg-dep/iobj (250; 3% instances), bg-dep/root (190; 2% instances), bg-dep/dobj (157; 2% instances), bg-dep/nsubjpass (61; 1% instances), bg-dep/discourse (53; 1% instances), bg-dep/cop (34; 0% instances), bg-dep/appos (11; 0% instances), bg-dep/amod (3; 0% instances), bg-dep/vocative (2; 0% instances), bg-dep/xcomp (1; 0% instances)
Parents of PROPN
nodes belong to 10 different parts of speech: NOUN (3316; 39% instances), PROPN (2544; 30% instances), VERB (2278; 27% instances), ROOT (190; 2% instances), ADJ (82; 1% instances), ADV (11; 0% instances), DET (3; 0% instances), NUM (2; 0% instances), PRON (1; 0% instances), X (1; 0% instances)
3576 (42%) PROPN
nodes are leaves.
3046 (36%) PROPN
nodes have one child.
857 (10%) PROPN
nodes have two children.
949 (11%) PROPN
nodes have three or more children.
The highest child degree of a PROPN
node is 27.
Children of PROPN
nodes are attached using 13 different relations: bg-dep/case (2557; 29% instances), bg-dep/punct (2336; 27% instances), bg-dep/name (1267; 14% instances), bg-dep/nmod (1002; 11% instances), bg-dep/conj (693; 8% instances), bg-dep/cc (402; 5% instances), bg-dep/amod (315; 4% instances), bg-dep/acl (58; 1% instances), bg-dep/nummod (41; 0% instances), bg-dep/advmod (25; 0% instances), bg-dep/discourse (23; 0% instances), bg-dep/det (15; 0% instances), bg-dep/appos (13; 0% instances)
Children of PROPN
nodes belong to 13 different parts of speech: ADP (2557; 29% instances), PROPN (2544; 29% instances), PUNCT (2336; 27% instances), NOUN (435; 5% instances), CONJ (402; 5% instances), ADJ (325; 4% instances), VERB (58; 1% instances), NUM (41; 0% instances), ADV (25; 0% instances), DET (16; 0% instances), PART (4; 0% instances), INTJ (2; 0% instances), PRON (2; 0% instances)
PROPN in other languages: [bg] [cs] [de] [el] [en] [es] [eu] [fa] [fi] [fr] [ga] [he] [hu] [it] [ja] [ko] [sv] [u]