: proper noun
A proper noun is a noun that is the name of a specific individual, place, or object. Czech proper nouns are always written starting with an uppercase letter. Note that names of days of week (pondělí, úterý, středa, čtvrtek, pátek, sobota, neděle) and names of months (leden, únor, březen, duben, květen, červen, červenec, srpen, září, říjen, listopad, prosinec) are not written capitalized (unlike in English) and are not considered proper nouns.
Single-word named entities should be tagged PROPN
even if they originate
from a common noun (Zajíc, Huť) or an adjective (Veselý, Teplá).
Even if they were originally adjectives and inflect according to adjectival
paradigms, they behave syntactically as nouns. For instance, Teplá
(a river and city in western Bohemia) is originally feminine form of the
adjective teplý “warm” but as a geographical name, it is a noun.
It denotes a concrete location (rather than a property of somebody/something)
and its feminine gender is fixed (while adjectives have forms in all three
Note that names of languages (čeština, angličtina)
and adjectives derived from geographical names (český, anglický “Czech, English”)
are written in lowercase and are not tagged PROPN
Personal names are typically treated as a sequence of proper nouns
(one or more given names and one or more surnames).
If the name contains prepositions, conjunctions or articles (foreign names
and old Czech names), these are tagged as ADP
and DET
Czech (and other Slavic) multi-word named entities have internal syntactic
structure, which is preserved in the annotation. The headword is always noun
and there may be other nouns involved. They will be tagged either PROPN
and possible ambiguities must be resolved individually.
Modifying adjectives are never tagged PROPN
. Even if an adjective is the
first word of a multi-word name, and thus it starts with an uppercase letter,
it is still tagged ADJ
Similarly, function words in named entities retain their normal tags.
These rules are less strict for foreign named entities where the original
part of speech is hidden for a Czech speaker.
- Bečov.
is a city. Bečov is the head and the nad Teplou part refers to the river flowing through the city, to distinguish it from other Bečovs. - Červený.
is a village. Újezd is the head and it is taggedPROPN
although it originates in the common noun újezd “district, riding”. There are many locations named Újezd and the noun is perceived as a proper noun in current Czech. Červený is an adjective meaning “red” and it is taggedADJ
. - Červená.
“Red River”. Even though the two words together are a name of a particular river, řeka is a common noun and is tagged as such. - Organizace.
“United Nations Organization” consists of three words, none of which is proper noun. However, the acronym OSN “UNO” is a single-token name and is taggedPROPN
Conversion from the Prague Dependency Treebank
The PDT set of morphological (part-of-speech) tags does not distinguish
common and proper nouns. However, lemmas in PDT contain additional features
that also encode types of named entities. When converting the PDT annotation
to UD, these lemma features are removed, the PROPN
tag is used and the feature
cs-feat/NameType is added to the universal features to preserve the type.
Only nouns are treated this way.
Foreign adjectives are not converted to PROPN
despite the fact
that they entered Czech as parts of foreign names and their lemmas contain
the name type feature.
The following table lists the name types together with the most frequent examples. See, page 8, section 2.1 (Lemma structure) for more details.
_;Y | given name | Jan, Jiří, Václav, Petr, Josef | “Jan, Jiří, Václav, Petr, Josef” |
_;S | surname | Klaus, Havel, Němec, Jelcin, Svoboda | “Klaus, Havel, Němec, Yeltsin, Svoboda” |
_;E | member of a particular nation, inhabitant of a particular territory | Němec, Čech, Srb, Američan, Slovák | “German, Czech, Serbian, American, Slovak” |
_;G | geographical name | Praha, ČR, Evropa, Německo, Brno | “Prague, CR, Europe, Germany, Brno” |
_;K | company, organization, institution | ODS, OSN, Sparta, ODA, Slavia | “ODS, UN, Sparta, ODA, Slavia” |
_;R | product | LN, Mercedes, Tatra, PC, MF | “LN, Mercedes, Tatra, PC, MF” |
_;m | other proper name: names of mines, stadiums, guerilla bases etc. | US, PVP, Prix, Rapaport, Tour | “US, PVP, Prix, Rapaport, Tour” |
Prague Dependency Treebank
Articles in foreign names (the, die, le) are tagged ADJ, not DET. Otherwise, the morphological analysis usually includes the original part of speech of foreign words.
Treebank Statistics (UD_Czech)
There are 15254 PROPN
lemmas (26%), 21954 PROPN
types (17%) and 84031 PROPN
tokens (6%).
Out of 17 observed tags, the rank of PROPN
is: 2 in number of lemmas, 4 in number of types and 6 in number of tokens.
The 10 most frequent PROPN
lemmas: Praha, ČR, Evropa, LN, Jan, Jiří, Německo, Brno, ODS, USA
The 10 most frequent PROPN
types: Praha, ČR, Praze, LN, ODS, USA, J, Jiří, Jan, OSN
The 10 most frequent ambiguous lemmas: J (PROPN 422, ADJ 30), M (PROPN 244, NOUN 8, ADJ 1), V (PROPN 210, NUM 23, NOUN 7, ADJ 5), A (PROPN 172, NOUN 8, ADJ 8), York (PROPN 165, ADJ 5), P (PROPN 136, ADJ 4, NOUN 2), S (PROPN 116, ADJ 12, NOUN 2), Washington (PROPN 111, ADJ 1), r (NOUN 55, ADV 1, PROPN 1), F (PROPN 99, NOUN 12, ADJ 10)
The 10 most frequent ambiguous types: J (PROPN 422, ADJ 30, NOUN 3), M (PROPN 244, NOUN 51, X 3, ADJ 1), V (ADP 3736, PROPN 210, NUM 23, NOUN 15, ADJ 6, ADV 2), A (CONJ 1042, PROPN 172, NOUN 93, ADJ 19, X 4), Rusko (PROPN 163, ADJ 3), Německo (PROPN 144, ADJ 2), P (PROPN 136, NOUN 124, ADJ 17, ADP 1), S (ADP 470, PROPN 117, NOUN 38, ADJ 14, X 3), r (NOUN 433, ADV 1, PROPN 1), F (PROPN 99, NOUN 27, ADJ 10)
- J
- M
- V
- A
- Rusko
- Německo
- P
- S
- r
- F
The form / lemma ratio of PROPN
is 1.439229 (the average of all parts of speech is 2.195970).
The 1st highest number of forms (11) was observed with the lemma “Čech”: ČECH, ČEŠI, Čech, Čecha, Čechem, Čechovi, Čechy, Čechů, Čechům, Češi, Češích
The 2nd highest number of forms (10) was observed with the lemma “Jan”: JAN, JANA, Jan, Jana, Janem, Janovi, Janové, Janu, Jany, Janů
The 3rd highest number of forms (10) was observed with the lemma “Němec”: NĚMCI, NĚMCŮ, NĚMEC, Němce, Němcem, Němci, Němcích, Němců, Němcům, Němec
occurs with 9 features: cs-feat/NameType (84031; 100% instances), cs-feat/Negative (84031; 100% instances), cs-feat/Gender (82083; 98% instances), cs-feat/Number (68761; 82% instances), cs-feat/Case (66478; 79% instances), cs-feat/Animacy (48949; 58% instances), cs-feat/Abbr (13042; 16% instances), cs-feat/Foreign (3684; 4% instances), cs-feat/Style (28; 0% instances)
occurs with 44 feature-value pairs: Abbr=Yes
, Animacy=Anim
, Animacy=Inan
, Case=Acc
, Case=Dat
, Case=Gen
, Case=Ins
, Case=Loc
, Case=Nom
, Case=Voc
, Foreign=Foreign
, Gender=Fem
, Gender=Masc
, Gender=Neut
, NameType=Com
, NameType=Com,Geo
, NameType=Com,Giv
, NameType=Com,Giv,Sur
, NameType=Com,Nat
, NameType=Com,Pro
, NameType=Com,Sur
, NameType=Geo
, NameType=Geo,Giv
, NameType=Geo,Giv,Sur
, NameType=Geo,Oth
, NameType=Geo,Pro
, NameType=Geo,Sur
, NameType=Giv
, NameType=Giv,Nat
, NameType=Giv,Oth
, NameType=Giv,Pro
, NameType=Giv,Pro,Sur
, NameType=Giv,Sur
, NameType=Nat
, NameType=Nat,Sur
, NameType=Oth
, NameType=Pro
, NameType=Pro,Sur
, NameType=Sur
, Negative=Pos
, Number=Plur
, Number=Sing
, Style=Arch
, Style=Coll
occurs with 561 feature combinations.
The most frequent feature combination is Animacy=Anim|Case=Nom|Gender=Masc|NameType=Sur|Negative=Pos|Number=Sing
(14100 tokens).
Examples: Klaus, Havel, Svoboda, Mečiar, Jelcin, John, Zeman, Němec, Novák, Benda
nodes are attached to their parents using 23 different relations: cs-dep/nmod (33485; 40% instances), cs-dep/nsubj (14788; 18% instances), cs-dep/name (13598; 16% instances), cs-dep/conj (8164; 10% instances), cs-dep/root (5363; 6% instances), cs-dep/dep (2877; 3% instances), cs-dep/dobj (2690; 3% instances), cs-dep/appos (1372; 2% instances), cs-dep/iobj (712; 1% instances), cs-dep/foreign (432; 1% instances), cs-dep/nsubjpass (278; 0% instances), cs-dep/advcl (155; 0% instances), cs-dep/xcomp (32; 0% instances), cs-dep/vocative (21; 0% instances), cs-dep/cc (18; 0% instances), cs-dep/case (13; 0% instances), cs-dep/ccomp (8; 0% instances), cs-dep/amod (6; 0% instances), cs-dep/parataxis (6; 0% instances), cs-dep/acl (5; 0% instances), cs-dep/advmod (4; 0% instances), cs-dep/csubj (3; 0% instances), cs-dep/punct (1; 0% instances)
Parents of PROPN
nodes belong to 15 different parts of speech: NOUN (26250; 31% instances), PROPN (26071; 31% instances), VERB (23717; 28% instances), ROOT (5363; 6% instances), ADJ (1700; 2% instances), NUM (381; 0% instances), ADV (311; 0% instances), PRON (179; 0% instances), PART (16; 0% instances), ADP (15; 0% instances), DET (12; 0% instances), PUNCT (5; 0% instances), SYM (5; 0% instances), CONJ (4; 0% instances), INTJ (2; 0% instances)
38237 (46%) PROPN
nodes are leaves.
23490 (28%) PROPN
nodes have one child.
11473 (14%) PROPN
nodes have two children.
10831 (13%) PROPN
nodes have three or more children.
The highest child degree of a PROPN
node is 57.
Children of PROPN
nodes are attached using 29 different relations: cs-dep/punct (19453; 21% instances), cs-dep/case (16393; 18% instances), cs-dep/name (13612; 15% instances), cs-dep/nmod (13449; 15% instances), cs-dep/conj (8380; 9% instances), cs-dep/amod (5156; 6% instances), cs-dep/cc (3943; 4% instances), cs-dep/dep (3366; 4% instances), cs-dep/acl (1649; 2% instances), cs-dep/nummod (1624; 2% instances), cs-dep/foreign (1383; 2% instances), cs-dep/appos (1299; 1% instances), cs-dep/advmod:emph (1230; 1% instances), cs-dep/xcomp (388; 0% instances), cs-dep/mark (324; 0% instances), cs-dep/det (100; 0% instances), cs-dep/parataxis (81; 0% instances), cs-dep/cop (67; 0% instances), cs-dep/nsubj (62; 0% instances), cs-dep/nummod:gov (40; 0% instances), cs-dep/advmod (33; 0% instances), cs-dep/advcl (10; 0% instances), cs-dep/dobj (10; 0% instances), cs-dep/neg (7; 0% instances), cs-dep/det:numgov (5; 0% instances), cs-dep/aux (3; 0% instances), cs-dep/det:nummod (3; 0% instances), cs-dep/ccomp (2; 0% instances), cs-dep/expl (1; 0% instances)
Children of PROPN
nodes belong to 16 different parts of speech: PROPN (26071; 28% instances), PUNCT (19453; 21% instances), ADP (16533; 18% instances), NOUN (12715; 14% instances), ADJ (6485; 7% instances), CONJ (4268; 5% instances), NUM (2561; 3% instances), VERB (2061; 2% instances), ADV (1075; 1% instances), SCONJ (337; 0% instances), PRON (198; 0% instances), PART (176; 0% instances), DET (108; 0% instances), SYM (21; 0% instances), INTJ (8; 0% instances), AUX (3; 0% instances)
PROPN in other languages: [bg] [cs] [de] [el] [en] [es] [eu] [fa] [fi] [fr] [ga] [he] [hu] [it] [ja] [ko] [sv] [u]