: reflexive
Values: | Yes |
Reflexive possessives indicate that the topic/subject of the clause is the possessor:
- Ацирьгадоманть эйстэ сон мик сускизе эсь турванзо … “Out of rage he even bit his [own] lip.”
- Ацирьгадоманть эйстэ сон мик сускизе турванзо … “Out of rage he even bit [someone else’s/ his own] lip.”
: it is possessive
Note that there is no No
value. If the word is not reflexive, the
feature will just not be mentioned in the FEAT
column. (Which means that empty value has the No
- [myv]Ацирьгадоманть эйстэ сон мик сускизе эсь турванзо … “Out of rage he even bit his [own] lip.”
Reflex in other languages: [bej] [bg] [cs] [en] [es] [ess] [fr] [ga] [hy] [it] [koi] [kpv] [ky] [mdf] [myv] [qpm] [ru] [sl] [sms] [tr] [tt] [u] [uk] [urj]