: negative auxiliary
This is a subtype of aux, used for the negative auxiliaries and particles аф, афи, афоль, апак, аш, тят, эзь.
The negative auxiliary, when attached to a predicate, typically carries some of the tense/aspect/modality suffixes as well as person/number agreement suffixes.
Although they do not function as an auxiliary when attached to non-predicate words or phrases,
we use aux:neg
for all forms and uses of the highly suppletive negative auxiliary paradigm and particles.
Митроха атянь сельмоц нинге оржа и кядец аф трнаты . \n Old man Mitrokha's eye is still sharp and his hand doesn't _shake_ .
aux:neg(трнаты, аф)
Эста самолётовок теень афоль эряв , \n Then I wouldn't have even _needed_ an airplane ,
aux:neg(эряв, афоль)
Гулянять пацяняц апак синтть . \n The little pigeon's wing isn't _broken_ .
aux:neg(синтть, апак)
кодама аньцек краскат сонь эсонза ашельхть . \n there was no lack of colors in _it_ .
aux:neg(сонь, ашельхть)
Шись нинге ашезь стя , \n The sun hadn't _risen_ yet ,
aux:neg(стя, ашезь)
Тят учсе тя шрать ваксса . \n — Don't wait next to this table !
aux:neg(учсе, Тят)
aux:neg in other languages: [ckt] [koi] [kpv] [mdf] [mt] [myv] [sme] [sms] [ta]