: Form
This feature is currently under-used in the corpus. It will be used to indicate lenition, slenderisation, h-prefixation, n-prefixation and t-prefixation. At present it is used to indicate emphatic forms.
: emphatic
There are many ways of marking emphasis in Scottish Gaelic and the morphological one involves the suffixes -e, -ne, -sa, -se, -san which are usually applied to pronouns but also to nouns and verbs.
- mi “I/me”
- mise “I/me (emphatic form)”
- dhomh “to me”
- dhomhsa “to me (emphatic form)”
- air mo shon “for me”
- air mo shon-sa “for me (emphatic form)”
- ar n-athraichean “our fathers”
- ar n-athraichean-ne “our (emphatic form) fathers”
- cuireamaid “let us put”
- cuireamaid-ne “let us (emphatic form) put”
Note that from UD 2.6 onwards, dhomh and dhomhsa are divided into the underlying words do and mi or mise.
Form in other languages: [ga] [gd] [gv] [ko] [la]