: predicate
We extend the label xcomp
as a UD Irish subtype xcomp:pred
to mark predicates of the substantive verb bí (to be), which can have predicate arguments in the form of adverbial, adjectival and prepositional phrases and for cases where a secondary predicate occurs.
Note that this differs from Irish (cop) constructions.
Bhí sé dochreidte go raibh sé fós beo `It was unbelieveable that he was still alive’
Adjectival Predicate
Tá aibítir iaraiglifeach na hÉigipte léirithe ar clé. The Egyptian hieroglyphic alphabet is shown to the left.
PP Predicate
Bhí teas ollmhór ann `It was very hot there’
a bhí ina dhiaidh sin ina T.D. `who was later a T.D.’
Note that the head of the prepositional phrase is the noun.
Tá duine eile i_mbun peannaireachta `Someone else is in charge of writing’
Adverbial Predicate
Tá Meryl Streep go hiontach sa scannán sin `Meryl Streep is wonderful in that movie’
Secondary Predicate
This label is also used for secondary predicates, i.e. where two predicates occur within one clause.
Shín mé amach díreach romham í agus fuair mé an áit folamh `I stretched it out in front of me and found the place empty’
Note that the secondary predicate can also attach either to the verbal noun of verbs other than the substantive verb bí (to be) or to a noun.
D’fhéadfadh imreoir nó dhó seal a chaitheamh díomhaoin ón imirt dá bharr. `Some players could spend a while off the pitch because of it’
In the case of an adjectival secondary predicate attaching to a noun, note that the adjective in question does not agree with the noun in terms of gender or number.
Bhí Monte Carlo faoi fhurú, an áit beo le Sasanaigh. `Monte Carlo was a hive of activity, the place teeming with English people’
xcomp:pred in other languages: [ga] [gd] [gv] [pl] [sme] [uk]