: adpositionless oblique
This relation is a subtype of the obl relation that applies when an oblique takes the form of a nominal lacking a preposition (a.k.a. a noun phrase). It is “unmarked” in that, unlike most obliques, it has no adposition.
merges two older subtypes, obl:npmod
and obl:tmod
. It has a nominal-level counterpart: nmod:unmarked.
Examples include:
(i) a time, manner, or extent adverbial in a clause
(ii) a measure phrase, which is the relation between the head of an adjectival/adverbial or prepositional phrase and the head of a measure phrase modifying it:
(iii) noun phrases giving an extent to a verb, which are not objects:
(iv) floating reflexives
and (v) certain other absolutive nominal constructions.
History: Prior to release 2.15, temporal adverbials (see (i)) had a separate subtype called obl:tmod, and obl:npmod was used for the non-temporal ones.
obl:unmarked in other languages: [cop] [en] [he]