: unmarked nominal modifier
This relation is a subtype of the nmod relation that applies
when a non-possessive modifier within a nominal takes the form of a
nominal lacking a preposition (a.k.a. a noun phrase). It is
“unmarked” in that, unlike most nmod
s, it has no adposition or
genitive marking.
merges two older subtypes, nmod:npmod
and nmod:tmod
It has a clause-level countepart: obl:unmarked.
Examples include:
(i) temporal modifiers
Are you free for lunch some day this week ?
nmod:unmarked(lunch, day)
det(day, some)
nmod:unmarked(day, week)
det(week, this)
(ii) rate expressions with meaning equivalent to “per”
IBM earned $ 5 a share
nmod:unmarked($, share)
(iii) elementary properties
I want that color kitten
nmod:unmarked(kitten, color)
a pizza the size of the sun
nmod:unmarked(pizza, size)
(iv) emphatic reflexive pronouns
Einstein himself was in attendance .
nmod:unmarked(Einstein, himself)
(v) “a couple” as pre-head quantifier
You can have a couple/NOUN cookies .
det(couple, a)
nmod:unmarked(cookies, couple)
History: Prior to release 2.15, case (i) (temporal modifiers) had a separate subtype called nmod:tmod, and nmod:npmod was used for the non-temporal ones.
nmod:unmarked in other languages: [cop] [en] [he]