: noun compound modifier
The dependency type compound:nn
, which stands for noun compound
modifier has two basic uses in the Finnish UD scheme.
First, In Finnish, compounds are generally written as a single word,
but for instance some compounds involving foreign words or proper
names are written separately using a dash. These are annotated using
Da Vinci -merkkinen luomiväri \n Da Vinci -make eyeshadow
name(Vinci-2, Da-1)
compound:nn(-merkkinen-3, Vinci-2)
amod(luomiväri-4, -merkkinen-3)
The second use of the type compound:nn
is to mark appellation
modifiers, which are modifying, non-inflecting noun phrases that
generally express profession, rank, position, assignment or other such
classifiable property (see ISK
§1062). The
phenomenon is closely related to that of apposition, and the
distinction between the two is described in
Appositions and appellation modifiers.
Professori Matti Tamminen pitää puheen . \n Professor Matti Tamminen gives a_speech .
compound:nn(Tamminen-3, Professori-1)
name(Tamminen-3, Matti-2)
nsubj(pitää-4, Tamminen-3)
dobj(pitää-4, puheen-5)
punct(pitää-4, .-6)
In written Finnish, erroneously writing compounds as two words is a
common mistake (e.g. ruoka pöytä). While these cases were annotated
as nn
in the TDT corpus, in
UD Finnish goeswith is used instead.
Treebank Statistics (UD_Finnish)
This relation is a language-specific subtype of compound.
There are also 1 other language-specific subtypes of compound
: compound:prt.
1088 nodes (1%) are attached to their parents as compound:nn
1073 instances of compound:nn
(99%) are right-to-left (child precedes parent).
Average distance between parent and child is 1.45404411764706.
The following 25 pairs of parts of speech are connected with compound:nn
: fi-pos/PROPN-fi-pos/NOUN (659; 61% instances), fi-pos/NOUN-fi-pos/PROPN (178; 16% instances), fi-pos/NOUN-fi-pos/NOUN (142; 13% instances), fi-pos/NOUN-fi-pos/X (28; 3% instances), fi-pos/NOUN-fi-pos/VERB (12; 1% instances), fi-pos/PROPN-fi-pos/PROPN (12; 1% instances), fi-pos/SYM-fi-pos/NOUN (12; 1% instances), fi-pos/NOUN-fi-pos/SYM (8; 1% instances), fi-pos/PROPN-fi-pos/ADJ (6; 1% instances), fi-pos/ADJ-fi-pos/PROPN (5; 0% instances), fi-pos/ADJ-fi-pos/NOUN (4; 0% instances), fi-pos/NOUN-fi-pos/ADV (3; 0% instances), fi-pos/NOUN-fi-pos/PUNCT (3; 0% instances), fi-pos/ADJ-fi-pos/SYM (2; 0% instances), fi-pos/NOUN-fi-pos/ADJ (2; 0% instances), fi-pos/NOUN-fi-pos/PRON (2; 0% instances), fi-pos/PROPN-fi-pos/X (2; 0% instances), fi-pos/ADJ-fi-pos/NUM (1; 0% instances), fi-pos/ADJ-fi-pos/VERB (1; 0% instances), fi-pos/ADJ-fi-pos/X (1; 0% instances), fi-pos/CONJ-fi-pos/CONJ (1; 0% instances), fi-pos/NOUN-fi-pos/NUM (1; 0% instances), fi-pos/PRON-fi-pos/NOUN (1; 0% instances), fi-pos/X-fi-pos/NOUN (1; 0% instances), fi-pos/X-fi-pos/X (1; 0% instances).
# visual-style 5 bgColor:blue
# visual-style 5 fgColor:white
# visual-style 3 bgColor:blue
# visual-style 3 fgColor:white
# visual-style 3 5 compound:nn color:blue
1 Neuvoston neuvosto NOUN N Case=Gen|Number=Sing 3 nmod _ _
2 puolesta puolesta ADP Adp AdpType=Post 1 case _ _
3 I. I. PROPN N _ 0 root _ _
4 YATES YATES PROPN N Case=Nom|Number=Sing 3 name _ _
5 Puheenjohtaja puheen#johtaja NOUN N Case=Nom|Number=Sing 3 compound:nn _ _
# visual-style 2 bgColor:blue
# visual-style 2 fgColor:white
# visual-style 3 bgColor:blue
# visual-style 3 fgColor:white
# visual-style 3 2 compound:nn color:blue
1 Ensimmäinen ensimmäinen ADJ Num Case=Nom|Number=Sing|NumType=Ord 3 nummod _ _
2 Windows Windows PROPN N Case=Nom|Number=Sing 3 compound:nn _ _
3 versio versio NOUN N Case=Nom|Number=Sing 5 dobj _ _
4 ohjelmasta ohjelma NOUN N Case=Ela|Number=Sing 3 nmod _ _
5 julkaistiin julkaista VERB V Mood=Ind|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin|Voice=Pass 0 root _ _
6 1994 1994 NUM Num NumType=Card 5 nmod _ SpaceAfter=No
7 . . PUNCT Punct _ 5 punct _ _
# visual-style 2 bgColor:blue
# visual-style 2 fgColor:white
# visual-style 4 bgColor:blue
# visual-style 4 fgColor:white
# visual-style 4 2 compound:nn color:blue
1 Toyotan Toyota PROPN N Case=Gen|Number=Sing 4 nmod:poss _ _
2 Formula formula NOUN N Case=Nom|Number=Sing 4 compound:nn _ _
3 1 1 NUM Num NumType=Card 2 name _ _
4 -tallilla talli NOUN N Case=Ade|Number=Sing 7 nmod _ _
5 kaksi kaksi NUM Num Case=Nom|Number=Sing|NumType=Card 6 nummod _ _
6 vuotta vuosi NOUN N Case=Par|Number=Sing 7 nmod _ _
7 aikaa aika NOUN N Case=Par|Number=Sing 0 root _ _
8 menestyä menestyä VERB V InfForm=1|Number=Sing|VerbForm=Inf|Voice=Act 7 acl _ _
Treebank Statistics (UD_Finnish-FTB)
This relation is a language-specific subtype of compound.
There are also 1 other language-specific subtypes of compound
: compound:prt.
361 nodes (0%) are attached to their parents as compound:nn
361 instances of compound:nn
(100%) are right-to-left (child precedes parent).
Average distance between parent and child is 1.1606648199446.
The following 8 pairs of parts of speech are connected with compound:nn
: fi-pos/PROPN-fi-pos/NOUN (271; 75% instances), fi-pos/NOUN-fi-pos/NOUN (58; 16% instances), fi-pos/NUM-fi-pos/NOUN (13; 4% instances), fi-pos/NOUN-fi-pos/PROPN (11; 3% instances), fi-pos/ADJ-fi-pos/NOUN (3; 1% instances), fi-pos/NOUN-fi-pos/X (3; 1% instances), fi-pos/ADJ-fi-pos/PROPN (1; 0% instances), fi-pos/X-fi-pos/NOUN (1; 0% instances).
# visual-style 2 bgColor:blue
# visual-style 2 fgColor:white
# visual-style 3 bgColor:blue
# visual-style 3 fgColor:white
# visual-style 3 2 compound:nn color:blue
1 ritarinarvo ritarinarvo NOUN N,Sg,Nom Case=Nom|Number=Sing 0 root _ _
2 kuningatar kuningatar NOUN N,Sg,Nom Case=Nom|Number=Sing 3 compound:nn _ Alt=compound:nn
3 Elisabethiltä elisabeth PROPN N,Prop,Sg,Abl Case=Abl|Number=Sing 1 nmod _ _
# visual-style 4 bgColor:blue
# visual-style 4 fgColor:white
# visual-style 5 bgColor:blue
# visual-style 5 fgColor:white
# visual-style 5 4 compound:nn color:blue
1 Loistavaa loistaa VERB V,Act,PcpVa,Sg,Par Case=Par|Number=Sing|PartForm=Pres|VerbForm=Part|Voice=Act 0 root _ _
2 , , PUNCT Pun _ 1 punct _ _
3 aivan aivan PART Pcle _ 4 advmod _ _
4 nappi nappi NOUN N,Sg,Nom Case=Nom|Number=Sing 5 compound:nn _ Alt=compound:nn
5 suoritus suoritus NOUN N,Sg,Nom Case=Nom|Number=Sing 1 conj _ _
6 . . PUNCT Pun _ 5 punct _ _
# visual-style 3 bgColor:blue
# visual-style 3 fgColor:white
# visual-style 4 bgColor:blue
# visual-style 4 fgColor:white
# visual-style 4 3 compound:nn color:blue
1 Huoltoa huolto NOUN N,Sg,Par Case=Par|Number=Sing 0 root _ _
2 Viljamaalla viljamaa PROPN N,Prop,Sg,Ade Case=Ade|Number=Sing 1 nmod _ _
3 erikoiskoe erikoiskoe NOUN N,Sg,Nom Case=Nom|Number=Sing 4 compound:nn _ Alt=compound:nn
4 20:n 20 NUM Num,Card,Sg,Gen Case=Gen|Number=Sing|NumType=Card 1 nummod _ _
5 jälkeen jälkeen ADP Adp _ 4 case _ _
6 . . PUNCT Pun _ 5 punct _ _