Treebank Statistics: UD_Ancient_Greek-PROIEL: POS Tags: PRON
There are 55 PRON
lemmas (1%), 545 PRON
types (2%) and 22629 PRON
tokens (11%).
Out of 13 observed tags, the rank of PRON
is: 8 in number of lemmas, 6 in number of types and 5 in number of tokens.
The 10 most frequent PRON
lemmas: αὐτός, οὗτος, ἐγώ, ὑμεῖς, ὅς, σύ, ὁ, ἡμεῖς, τίς, πᾶς
The 10 most frequent PRON
types: αὐτοῦ, αὐτῷ, αὐτῶν, αὐτὸν, ταῦτα, ὑμῖν, μου, αὐτοῖς, ὑμῶν, τοῦτο
The 10 most frequent ambiguous lemmas: αὐτός (PRON 6069, DET 371), οὗτος (PRON 2251, DET 1053), ὁ (DET 28443, PRON 1390), πᾶς (DET 1089, PRON 579, ADJ 1), τὶς (PRON 429, DET 314), οὐδείς (PRON 299, DET 161), οὗ (PRON 255, ADV 26), ὅδε (PRON 253, DET 74), ἐκεῖνος (PRON 208, DET 180), ἄλλος (ADJ 334, PRON 121, DET 86)
The 10 most frequent ambiguous types: αὐτοῦ (PRON 1417, ADV 31, DET 21), αὐτῷ (PRON 869, DET 27), αὐτῶν (PRON 713, DET 24), αὐτὸν (PRON 713, DET 35), ταῦτα (PRON 665, DET 55), αὐτοῖς (PRON 544, DET 1), τοῦτο (PRON 426, DET 98), σου (PRON 414, DET 2), οἱ (DET 1700, PRON 358), τί (PRON 345, DET 2)
- αὐτοῦ
- αὐτῷ
- αὐτῶν
- αὐτὸν
- ταῦτα
- αὐτοῖς
- τοῦτο
- σου
- οἱ
- τί
The form / lemma ratio of PRON
is 9.909091 (the average of all parts of speech is 3.440021).
The 1st highest number of forms (35) was observed with the lemma “ὁ”: αἱ, αἳ, αἵ, οἱ, οἳ, οἵ, οἷς, οὓς, τά, τήν, τοὺς, τοῖσί, τοῖσι, τοῦ, τό, τόν, τὰ, τὰς, τὴν, τὸ, τὸν, τῆς, τῇ, τῇσι, τῶ, τῶν, τῷ, ἃ, ἡ, ἣ, ὁ, ὃ, ὃν, ὅ, ᾧ.
The 2nd highest number of forms (33) was observed with the lemma “αὐτός”: αὐτά, αὐτάς, αὐτέων, αὐτή, αὐτήν, αὐταὶ, αὐταῖς, αὐτοί, αὐτούς, αὐτοὶ, αὐτοὺς, αὐτοῖς, αὐτοῖσί, αὐτοῖσι, αὐτοῦ, αὐτό, αὐτόν, αὐτός, αὐτὰ, αὐτὰς, αὐτὴ, αὐτὴν, αὐτὸ, αὐτὸν, αὐτὸς, αὐτῆς, αὐτῇ, αὐτῇσι, αὐτῶν, αὐτῷ, αὑτὸν, αὑτῶν, αὕτη.
The 3rd highest number of forms (32) was observed with the lemma “οὗτος”: αὐτή, αὐταὶ, αὕτη, αὗταί, αὗται, οὗτοί, οὗτοι, οὗτος, οὗτοὶ, οὗτός, ταύταις, ταύτας, ταύτην, ταύτης, ταύτῃ, ταύτῃσι, ταῦτά, ταῦτα, ταῦτ’, τουτέων, τούτοις, τούτοισί, τούτοισι, τούτου, τούτους, τούτων, τούτῳ, τοῦτο, τοῦτον, τοῦτό, τοῦτόν, τοῦτ’.
occurs with 8 features: Case (22629; 100% instances), Number (22629; 100% instances), Gender (22602; 100% instances), PronType (17855; 79% instances), Person (14433; 64% instances), Reflex (653; 3% instances), Poss (69; 0% instances), Definite (25; 0% instances)
occurs with 22 feature-value pairs: Case=Acc
, Case=Dat
, Case=Gen
, Case=Nom
, Definite=Def
, Gender=Fem
, Gender=Fem,Masc
, Gender=Masc
, Gender=Masc,Neut
, Gender=Neut
, Number=Plur
, Number=Sing
, Person=1
, Person=2
, Person=3
, Poss=Yes
, PronType=Dem
, PronType=Int
, PronType=Prs
, PronType=Rcp
, PronType=Rel
, Reflex=Yes
occurs with 265 feature combinations.
The most frequent feature combination is Case=Gen|Gender=Masc|Number=Sing|Person=3|PronType=Prs
(1368 tokens).
Examples: αὐτοῦ, τοῦ
nodes are attached to their parents using 25 different relations: obj (4924; 22% instances), nsubj (4652; 21% instances), det (3438; 15% instances), obl:arg (3412; 15% instances), obl (3320; 15% instances), nmod (533; 2% instances), nsubj:pass (505; 2% instances), root (326; 1% instances), advcl (311; 1% instances), conj (281; 1% instances), acl (232; 1% instances), orphan (147; 1% instances), obl:agent (138; 1% instances), fixed (84; 0% instances), ccomp (83; 0% instances), xcomp (72; 0% instances), appos (61; 0% instances), advcl:cmp (43; 0% instances), dislocated (28; 0% instances), parataxis (16; 0% instances), nsubj:outer (14; 0% instances), amod (6; 0% instances), csubj:pass (1; 0% instances), dep (1; 0% instances), vocative (1; 0% instances)
Parents of PRON
nodes belong to 13 different parts of speech: VERB (15983; 71% instances), NOUN (4266; 19% instances), ADJ (932; 4% instances), PRON (449; 2% instances), (326; 1% instances), AUX (185; 1% instances), PROPN (185; 1% instances), ADV (98; 0% instances), SCONJ (92; 0% instances), NUM (71; 0% instances), INTJ (27; 0% instances), DET (9; 0% instances), ADP (6; 0% instances)
16885 (75%) PRON
nodes are leaves.
4337 (19%) PRON
nodes have one child.
830 (4%) PRON
nodes have two children.
577 (3%) PRON
nodes have three or more children.
The highest child degree of a PRON
node is 19.
Children of PRON
nodes are attached using 26 different relations: case (3289; 40% instances), det (820; 10% instances), discourse (470; 6% instances), advmod (427; 5% instances), nmod (402; 5% instances), acl (400; 5% instances), cop (392; 5% instances), nsubj (371; 5% instances), conj (357; 4% instances), appos (303; 4% instances), cc (295; 4% instances), orphan (230; 3% instances), mark (92; 1% instances), amod (91; 1% instances), advcl (56; 1% instances), obl (51; 1% instances), vocative (34; 0% instances), obl:arg (19; 0% instances), dislocated (13; 0% instances), nummod (13; 0% instances), fixed (6; 0% instances), advcl:cmp (5; 0% instances), ccomp (5; 0% instances), csubj (5; 0% instances), parataxis (5; 0% instances), nsubj:outer (1; 0% instances)
Children of PRON
nodes belong to 13 different parts of speech: ADP (3290; 40% instances), ADV (1015; 12% instances), DET (792; 10% instances), NOUN (762; 9% instances), VERB (653; 8% instances), PRON (449; 6% instances), AUX (394; 5% instances), CCONJ (297; 4% instances), ADJ (277; 3% instances), PROPN (135; 2% instances), SCONJ (51; 1% instances), NUM (30; 0% instances), INTJ (7; 0% instances)