Treebank Statistics: UD_Czech-CAC: Features: NumValue
This feature is language-specific.
It occurs with 3 different values: 1
, 2
, 3
Some words have combined values of the feature; 1 combinations have been observed: 1|2|3
1972 tokens (0%) have a non-empty value of NumValue
55 types (0%) occur at least once with a non-empty value of NumValue
9 lemmas (0%) occur at least once with a non-empty value of NumValue
The feature is used with 2 part-of-speech tags: NUM (1962; 0% instances), ADJ (10; 0% instances).
1962 NUM tokens (27% of all NUM
tokens) have a non-empty value of NumValue
The most frequent other feature values with which NUM
and NumValue
co-occurred: NumForm=Word (1962; 100%), NumType=Card (1962; 100%), Number=Plur (1120; 57%).
tokens may have the following values of NumValue
(1962; 100% of non-emptyNumValue
): dvou, jeden, dvě, tři, dva, obou, jedné, jednoho, jedním, dvěma
10 ADJ tokens (0% of all ADJ
tokens) have a non-empty value of NumValue
The most frequent other feature values with which ADJ
and NumValue
co-occurred: Degree=EMPTY (10; 100%), Number=Plur (10; 100%), Polarity=EMPTY (10; 100%), VerbForm=EMPTY (10; 100%), Voice=EMPTY (10; 100%), Animacy=EMPTY (7; 70%), Gender=EMPTY (6; 60%).
tokens may have the following values of NumValue
(10; 100% of non-emptyNumValue
): jedněch, jedni, jedny
Relations with Agreement in NumValue
The 10 most frequent relations where parent and child node agree in NumValue
NUM –[conj]–> NUM (22; 81%),
NUM –[orphan]–> NUM (3; 100%).