: serial verb construction
In this type of construction, several verbs are combined to describe the same action. The verbs in a serial verb construction share the same subject but not necessarily the same object.
The compound:svc
relation is used in Spanish Sign Language only for sequences
a) expressing a cause-consequence relation;
# sent_id = HC-JRV#060
# text = FÁCIL LOBO SOPLAR cl.e:CASA-desintegrarse
# gloss_en = EASY WOLF BLOW cl
# text_es = "Soplaré y con facilidad volaré (tu) casa".
# text_en = I will huff 'n puff with ease and bring (your) house down".
1 FÁCIL _ ADV Adv _ 4 advmod _ Gloss=EASY
2 LOBO _ NOUN N _ 3 nsubj _ Gloss=WOLF
3 SOPLAR _ VERB V _ 0 root _ Gloss=BLOW
4 cl.e:CASA-desintegrarse _ VERB V.D _ 3 compound:svc _ Gloss=cl
b) consecutive actions expressed through descriptive predicates (or verb lexeme + descriptive predicate);
# sent_id = PS-JRV#018
# text = UNO cl.m(5d):coger-fruta cl.m(5d):examinar-fruta
# gloss_en = ONE cl cl
# text_es = Tomó una pera y la observó bien.
# text_en = picked a pear and observed it carefully.
1 UNO _ NUM Num _ 2 obj _ Gloss=ONE
2 cl.m(5d):coger-fruta _ VERB V.D _ 0 root _ Gloss=cl
3 cl.m(5d):examinar-fruta _ VERB V.D _ 2 compound:svc _ Gloss=cl
c) instances of general + specific action (this last expressed by a descriptive predicate).
# sent_id = VV-FRE#022
# text = HOMBRE MUJER PEQUEÑO2(2M) SENTAR cl.e(2d):PERSONAS-sentar+círculo
# gloss_en = MAN WOMAN SMALL2(2H) SIT cl
# text_es = Los niñ@s se sientan en el suelo
# text_en = The girls/boys sit on the floor
1 HOMBRE _ NOUN N.P _ 4 nsubj _ Gloss=MAN
2 MUJER _ NOUN N.P _ 1 conj _ Gloss=WOMAN
3 PEQUEÑO2(2M) _ ADJ Adj _ 1 amod _ Gloss=SMALL2(2H)
4 SENTAR _ VERB V _ 0 root _ Gloss=SIT
5 cl.e(2d):PERSONAS-sentar+círculo _ VERB V.D _ 4 compound:svc _ Gloss=cl
compound:svc in other languages: [hy] [ky] [ml] [mr] [pa] [pcm] [ssp] [swl] [u] [vi]