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This page pertains to UD version 2.

Assoc: associative plural

Values: Yes

In Khoekhoe, Assoc is a boolean feature of nominals: nouns, proper nouns, and pronouns. It is also an inflectional feature of other parts of speech (adjectives, determiners), and adverbs) that mark agreement with the head nominals when they follow them, and of numerals that may function as nominals. The feature tells whether the nominal appears in the associative plural form, which denotes constructions such as ‘X and such, X and others associated with X’. The associative plural is marked with the suffix -hâ. Assoc combines with either Number=Dual or Number=Plur

Yes: associative plural

Note that there is no No value. If the word does not have the associative plural morpheme -hâ, the Assoc feature will just not be mentioned in the FEAT column (which means that empty value has the No meaning).
