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Treebank Statistics: UD_Old_Church_Slavonic-PROIEL: POS Tags: AUX

There are 1 AUX lemmas (0%), 351 AUX types (1%) and 5836 AUX tokens (3%). Out of 14 observed tags, the rank of AUX is: 14 in number of lemmas, 9 in number of types and 9 in number of tokens.

The 10 most frequent AUX lemmas: бꙑти

The 10 most frequent AUX types: естъ, бѣ, бꙑстъ, ѥ҅стъ, бѫдетъ, сѫтъ, бꙑти, есі, еси, ѥ͑стъ

The 10 most frequent ambiguous lemmas: бꙑти (AUX 5836, VERB 201)

The 10 most frequent ambiguous types: сꙑ (AUX 90, ADJ 1), нѣстъ (VERB 135, AUX 14), нѣси (AUX 11, VERB 5), нѣсте (AUX 11, VERB 5), ѥ (AUX 10, PRON 6, VERB 1), бишѧ (AUX 9, VERB 2), е (PRON 45, AUX 7, NUM 6), бі (AUX 6, NOUN 1), нѣсмъ (VERB 22, AUX 6), ѥ҆ (AUX 4, ADJ 1)


The form / lemma ratio of AUX is 351.000000 (the average of all parts of speech is 5.263244).

The 1st highest number of forms (351) was observed with the lemma “бꙑти”: Бъїхомъ, Нстъ, би, бивъша, бимъ, бимь, бисте, бишѧ, бодетъ, бодѫтъ, бъвъшю, бъивъшемъ, бъилъ, бъистъ, бъиті, бъілъ, бъістъ, бъіті, бъіхомъ, бъіхъ, бъішѩ, бъіⷭ҇, бъїхъ, бъїшѩ, бы, бывʼше, бывʼшемъ, бывʼши, бывъ, бывъша, бывъшаа͑го, бывъше, бывъшемъ, бывъшеѥ, бывъшеѥ͗, бывъши, бывъшиї, бывъшиїмъ, бывъшоу, бывъшѫ, бывъшѫѭ҄, бывъшѹ, бывь͗шемъ, былъ, быс̂, быста, бысте, быстъ, быти, быхомъ, быхъ, бышⱕ, бьівьшоу, бі, бімъ, бімь, бішѩ, бѢʼхѫ, бѣ, бѣʼ, бѣʼше, бѣа͑ста, бѣа͑хѫ, бѣа͑ше, бѣаа҅ше, бѣаста, бѣахѫ, бѣаше, бѣашете, бѣа҅ста, бѣа҅хѫ, бѣа҅ше, бѣста, бѣсте, бѣхомʼ, бѣхомъ, бѣхъ, бѣхѫ, бѣшѧ, бѣшѩ, бѣшⱕ, бѣшꙙ, бѣѣхѫ, бѣѣше, бѣѣ҅ше, бѣѣ҆ше, бѣꙿста, бѣꙿхѫ, бѫ, бѫде, бѫдевѣ, бѫдемъ, бѫдета, бѫдете, бѫдетъ, бѫдеть, бѫдетꙿ, бѫдеши, бѫдеші, бѫди, бѫді, бѫдѣмъ, бѫдѣмь҆, бѫдѣте, бѫдѫ, бѫдѫтʼ, бѫдѫтъ, бѫдѫть, бѫдѫштаа͑го, бѫдѫштааго, бѫдѫштаꙗ, бѫдѫштее, бѫдѫштеѥ, бѫдѫштеѥ҆, бѫдѫштии, бѫдѫштиимъ, бѫдѫштии҅мъ, бѫдѫштии҅хъ, бѫдѫштиїхъ, бѫдѫщии, бѫтъ, б҃ъіⷭ҇, бꙑ, бꙑвше, бꙑвшемъ, бꙑвши, бꙑвшоу, бꙑвшоуо̑умоу, бꙑвшꙙ, бꙑвъ, бꙑвъи҆, бꙑвъша, бꙑвъшаа, бꙑвъшааго, бꙑвъшаа҅го, бꙑвъшаго, бꙑвъшамъ, бꙑвъшаꙗ, бꙑвъшаꙗ҆, бꙑвъшаꙿ, бꙑвъше, бꙑвъшее, бꙑвъшеи, бꙑвъшема, бꙑвъшемъ, бꙑвъшеѥ, бꙑвъшеѥ҅, бꙑвъшеѥ҆, бꙑвъши, бꙑвъшии, бꙑвъшиихъ, бꙑвъшии҅, бꙑвъшии҅мъ, бꙑвъшии҅хъ, бꙑвъшии҆, бꙑвъшимъ, бꙑвъшиї, бꙑвъшиїхъ, бꙑвъшоу, бꙑвъшоуо҄умоу, бꙑвъшъ, бꙑвъшь҆и, бꙑвъшю, бꙑвъшюмоу, бꙑвъшіімъ, бꙑвъшѧѩ, бꙑвъшѫѭ, бꙑвъшѫѭ̑, бꙑвъшꙋ, бꙑвъшꙙ, бꙑвь͗шемъ, бꙑвьшаꙗ҆, бꙑвьшѧ, бꙑвь҆шее҅, бꙑвь҆ши, бꙑвꙑи, бꙑвꙑи҆, бꙑвꙑшии҅хъ, бꙑвꙿ, бꙑвꙿша, бꙑвꙿшаа͑го, бꙑвꙿшааго, бꙑвꙿшии҅хъ, бꙑвꙿшоу, бꙑвꙿшѫ, бꙑла, бꙑли, бꙑло, бꙑлъ, бꙑлꙑ, бꙑс, бꙑс̂, бꙑст, бꙑста, бꙑсте, бꙑстъ, бꙑстꙿ, бꙑти, бꙑтъ, бꙑті, бꙑховѣ, бꙑхомъ, бꙑхомꙑ, бꙑхъ, бꙑхь, бꙑшѧ, бꙑшѩ, бꙑшꙙ, бꙑⷭ҇, бꙑⷮ, е, е͑свѣ, еестъ, ес, есвѣ, еси, есмъ, есмь, ест-ъ, еста, есте, естъ, есть, есі, есітъ, есї, е҅, е҅си, е҅смъ, е҅ста, е҅стъ, нѣ, нѣси, нѣсмъ, нѣсмь҆, нѣсте, нѣстъ, нѣсі, си, смъ, стъ, съи҆, съштоу, сы, сыи͗, сі, сѫ, сѫ-, сѫ…..тъ, сѫи, сѫтъ, сѫтъ҆, сѫть, сѫтꙿ, сѫшта, сѫштаа, сѫштааго, сѫштамъ, сѫштая, сѫштаꙗ, сѫште, сѫштее, сѫштеи, сѫштеи҆, сѫштемʼ, сѫштема, сѫштемъ, сѫштемь͗, сѫштеі, сѫштеѥ, сѫштеѭ, сѫшти, сѫштии, сѫштиими, сѫштиимъ, сѫштиихъ, сѫштии҅, сѫштии҅ми, сѫштии҅мъ, сѫштии҅хъ, сѫштии҆, сѫштимъ, сѫштиї, сѫштиїми, сѫштиїмъ, сѫштиїхъ, сѫштиꙗ҅, сѫштоу, сѫштоуо̑умоу, сѫштоуꙋмоу, сѫштъ, сѫштъштъ, сѫшть, сѫшть҆и҆, сѫштю, сѫштіимъ, сѫштімъ, сѫштѧ, сѫштѫ, сѫштѫѭ̑, сѫштⱕ, сѫштⱕѧ, сѫштꙋ, сѫштꙙ, сѫштꙙѧ, сѫштꙙѧ҆, сѫща, сѫще, сѫщеи, сѫщи, сѫщимъ, сѫщоу, сѫщтихъ, сѫщю, сѫщіимъ, сѫщіихъ, сѫщѧѩ, сѫщѫ, сꙑ, сꙑи, сꙑи҆, сꙙи, щю, ѥ, ѥ͑сʼмъ, ѥ͑свѣ, ѥ͑си, ѥ͑смъ, ѥ͑ст, ѥ͑ста, ѥ͑сте, ѥ͑стъ, ѥ͑сть, ѥси, ѥсмъ, ѥстъ, ѥ҅, ѥ҅свѣ, ѥ҅си, ѥ҅смъ, ѥ҅смь҆, ѥ҅ста, ѥ҅сте, ѥ҅стъ, ѥ҅стъ҆, ѥ҅сть, ѥ҅сть҆, ѥ҅стꙿ, ѥ҅сі, ѥ҆, ѥ҆стъ.

AUX occurs with 11 features: VerbForm (5836; 100% instances), Tense (5835; 100% instances), Voice (5835; 100% instances), Number (5627; 96% instances), Mood (4829; 83% instances), Person (4829; 83% instances), Aspect (1631; 28% instances), Case (799; 14% instances), Gender (796; 14% instances), Variant (594; 10% instances), Polarity (51; 1% instances)

AUX occurs with 33 feature-value pairs: Aspect=Imp, Aspect=Perf, Case=Acc, Case=Dat, Case=Gen, Case=Ins, Case=Loc, Case=Nom, Gender=Fem, Gender=Fem,Masc, Gender=Masc, Gender=Masc,Neut, Gender=Neut, Mood=Imp, Mood=Ind, Mood=Sub, Number=Dual, Number=Plur, Number=Sing, Person=1, Person=2, Person=3, Polarity=Neg, Tense=Fut, Tense=Past, Tense=Pres, Variant=Short, VerbForm=Fin, VerbForm=Inf, VerbForm=Part, VerbForm=PartRes, VerbForm=Sup, Voice=Act

AUX occurs with 164 feature combinations. The most frequent feature combination is Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Pres|VerbForm=Fin|Voice=Act (1246 tokens). Examples: естъ, ѥ҅стъ, ѥ͑стъ, есть, ѥ, ѥстъ, е, ѥ҆, е҅стъ, ѥ҅сть҆


AUX nodes are attached to their parents using 18 different relations: cop (4159; 71% instances), aux (749; 13% instances), root (499; 9% instances), advcl (117; 2% instances), acl (78; 1% instances), ccomp (67; 1% instances), conj (67; 1% instances), obj (38; 1% instances), xcomp (20; 0% instances), obl (10; 0% instances), parataxis (8; 0% instances), dislocated (6; 0% instances), nsubj (6; 0% instances), aux:pass (5; 0% instances), csubj (4; 0% instances), amod (1; 0% instances), dep (1; 0% instances), nmod (1; 0% instances)

Parents of AUX nodes belong to 11 different parts of speech: VERB (2062; 35% instances), NOUN (1390; 24% instances), ADJ (978; 17% instances), (499; 9% instances), PRON (420; 7% instances), ADV (285; 5% instances), PROPN (102; 2% instances), NUM (44; 1% instances), AUX (39; 1% instances), ADP (14; 0% instances), INTJ (3; 0% instances)

4980 (85%) AUX nodes are leaves.

126 (2%) AUX nodes have one child.

275 (5%) AUX nodes have two children.

455 (8%) AUX nodes have three or more children.

The highest child degree of a AUX node is 10.

Children of AUX nodes are attached using 25 different relations: nsubj (608; 26% instances), obl (309; 13% instances), advmod (307; 13% instances), advcl (203; 9% instances), cc (201; 8% instances), discourse (190; 8% instances), conj (138; 6% instances), obl:arg (112; 5% instances), mark (109; 5% instances), ccomp (70; 3% instances), vocative (25; 1% instances), advcl:cmp (18; 1% instances), case (18; 1% instances), aux (15; 1% instances), parataxis (13; 1% instances), dislocated (7; 0% instances), det (6; 0% instances), cop (5; 0% instances), fixed (5; 0% instances), obl:agent (4; 0% instances), obj (2; 0% instances), acl (1; 0% instances), appos (1; 0% instances), nsubj:outer (1; 0% instances), xcomp (1; 0% instances)

Children of AUX nodes belong to 13 different parts of speech: NOUN (672; 28% instances), ADV (519; 22% instances), VERB (347; 15% instances), PRON (329; 14% instances), CCONJ (201; 8% instances), SCONJ (109; 5% instances), PROPN (44; 2% instances), ADJ (43; 2% instances), AUX (39; 2% instances), NUM (22; 1% instances), ADP (19; 1% instances), INTJ (19; 1% instances), DET (6; 0% instances)