Aux chain
Auxiliary dependencies should not form a chain.
Search expression: _ <aux|<aux:pass|<cop (_ <aux|<aux:pass|<cop _)
Correct example:
Incorrect example:
Flat is right-headed
Flat relations should be left-headed, not right.
Search expression: _ <flat@R _
Correct example:
Incorrect example:
Fixed is right-headed
Fixed expressions should be left-headed, not right.
Search expression: _ <fixed@R _
Correct example:
Incorrect example:
Fixed chain
Fixed dependencies should not be chained. All dependents should be attached directly to the first one.
Search expression: _ <fixed (_ <fixed _)
Conj is right-headed
Coordination dependencies should be left-headed, not right.
Search expression: _ <conj@R _
Correct example:
Incorrect example:
Appos is right-headed
Apposition dependencies should be left-headed, not right.
Search expression: _ <appos@R _
Correct example:
Incorrect example:
Copula is not AUX
Verbal copulas should be tagged AUX, not VERB. Pronouns can also serve as copulas. Punctuation (dashes) and nouns are not copulas.
Search expression: (!(AUX|PRON)) <cop _
PRON or DET is mark
Pronouns must not be attached using the mark relation. Relative pronouns must not be confused with subordinating conjunctions, even if the word is ambiguous.
Search expression: (PRON|DET) <mark _
Correct example:
Incorrect example:
Relation det is used for node that is neither DET nor PRON
The det relation is primarily intended for determiners, i.e. words tagged DET. Pronouns are tolerated at least until the borderline between the two classes is better investigated and defined.
Search expression: (!DET&!PRON) <det _
Relation punct is used for node that is not PUNCT
Only nodes tagged PUNCT can be attached using the punct relation.
Search expression: !PUNCT <punct _
PUNCT is attached as neither punct nor root
Nodes tagged PUNCT can only be attached using the punct relation (and exceptionally, if it is the only node in the sentence, also root).
Search expression: PUNCT (<!punct&<!root) _
PRON or DET lacks the PronType feature
All pronouns and determiners should be further categorized using the PronType feature. Other POS may or may not have this feature.
Search expression: (PRON|DET)&!PronType
NUM lacks the NumType feature
All numerals should be further categorized using the NumType feature. Other POS may or may not have this feature.
Search expression: NUM&!NumType
VERB lacks the VerbForm feature
All verbs should be further categorized using the VerbForm feature. Other POS may or may not have this feature. (Note that AUX may include non-verbs, thus we cannot generally extend this test to auxiliaries.)
Search expression: (VERB)&!VerbForm
Finite verb is not a verb
Only non-finite VerbForms are expected to appear with non-verb parts of speech (NOUN, ADJ, ADV).
Search expression: (VerbForm=Fin)&!(VERB|AUX)
Finite verb lacks the Mood feature
All finite verb forms should be further categorized using the Mood feature.
Search expression: (VerbForm=Fin)&!Mood
Degree feature used with a word that is neither adjective nor adverb
The Degree feature is normally associated with (a subset of) adjectives and adverbs. Other tags than ADJ and ADV are probably wrong.
Search expression: Degree&!ADJ&!ADV
Maximum one subject
DEBUGGING TEST. NONZERO HITS DOES NOT MEAN THE DATA IS INVALID. No predicate can have more than one subject. Note that subordinate clauses do not head copulas for this reason.
Search expression: _ >nsubj|>csubj|>nsubj:pass|>csubj:pass _ >nsubj|>csubj|>nsubj:pass|>csubj:pass _
Maximum one object
DEBUGGING TEST. NONZERO HITS DOES NOT MEAN THE DATA IS INVALID. No predicate can have more than one direct object. Ccomp counts as direct object. (To certain extent xcomp does too, but dobj can co-occur with xcomp in cases of secondary predication, thus this test does not look at xcomp.)
Search expression: _ >obj|>ccomp _ >obj|>ccomp _
NOUN and case
DEBUGGING TEST. NONZERO HITS DOES NOT MEAN THE DATA IS INVALID. A word marked as a NOUN should not be a case dependency.
Search expression: NOUN <case _
ADP is not leaf
DEBUGGING TEST. NONZERO HITS DOES NOT MEAN THE DATA IS INVALID. By default adposition is a leaf node attached to a nominal as case. Exceptions where adpositions are not leaves involve technical relations such as mwe and conj.
Search expression: ADP >!conj&>!cc&>!punct&>!fixed _
Appos chain
DEBUGGING TEST. NONZERO HITS DOES NOT MEAN THE DATA IS INVALID. Apposition dependencies should not be chained. Multiple appositions should all be attached to the head, or they should be coordinated (with the first apposition as the head). Legitimate exceptions do occur, however, in the rare case when an apposition has an apposition of its own, which does not apply to head of the first apposition.
Search expression: _ <appos (_ <appos _)
Correct example:
Incorrect example:
Relation advmod used for node that is not ADV
DEBUGGING TEST. NONZERO HITS DOES NOT MEAN THE DATA IS INVALID. Advmod is intended only for adverbs. Modifiers that are called adverbial in some traditional grammars, but are in fact prepositional or noun phrases, should be attached as nmod.
Search expression: (!ADV) <advmod _
Heads of an advmod are nominal
DEBUGGING TEST. NONZERO HITS DOES NOT MEAN THE DATA IS INVALID. The heads of an adverbial modifier should normally not be nominal (noun, proper noun, numeral, or pronoun). Exceptions occur in nominal clauses, where a nominal is the main predicate and can therefore take clause adverbials. Example: This is probably an exception.
Search expression: _ <advmod (NOUN|PROPN|NUM|PRON)
Acl not dependent on NOUN/PROPN/PRON/DET
DEBUGGING TEST. NONZERO HITS DOES NOT MEAN THE DATA IS INVALID. Clausal modifiers of nouns should depend on NOUN/PROPN only; those in the following table depend on other parts of speech.
Search expression: !NOUN&!PROPN&!PRON&!DET >acl _
Marked as NUM but not nummod, nmod or compound
DEBUGGING TEST. NONZERO HITS DOES NOT MEAN THE DATA IS INVALID. If a word is marked as a numeral (POS), then it should be marked as being a nummod, compound or nmod dependency. Exceptions occur when the numeral is promoted to a higher function through ellipis. Example: Take five!
Search expression: NUM (<!nummod&<!nmod&<!compound) _
Marked as nummod but not NUM
DEBUGGING TEST. NONZERO HITS DOES NOT MEAN THE DATA IS INVALID. If a word is marked as a numeric modifier, it should be marked as a numeral (POS).
Search expression: !NUM <nummod _
Marked as AUX but not aux or aux:pass
DEBUGGING TEST. NONZERO HITS DOES NOT MEAN THE DATA IS INVALID. If a word is marked as the auxiliary POS, it should be marked as either aux or aux:pass dependency.
Search expression: AUX (<!aux&<!aux:pass) _
Marked as aux or aux:pass but not AUX
DEBUGGING TEST. NONZERO HITS DOES NOT MEAN THE DATA IS INVALID. If a word is marked as a (passive) auxiliary dependency, it should be marked as the auxiliary POS.
Search expression: !AUX (<aux|<aux:pass) _
Marked as cc but not CCONJ, SYM or ADV
DEBUGGING TEST. NONZERO HITS DOES NOT MEAN THE DATA IS INVALID. The relation cc is for coordinating conjunctions, hence the most expected POS tag is CCONJ. Symbols such as + may occasionally replace conjunctions, and in some languages some adverbs may take this syntactic function too. However, most other tags are suspicious at least.
Search expression: (!CCONJ&!SYM&!ADV) <cc _
Cc is not leaf
DEBUGGING TEST. NONZERO HITS DOES NOT MEAN THE DATA IS INVALID. Coordinating conjunction should be attached to the first conjunct and it should not have its own dependents.
Search expression: _ < (_ <cc _)
Parts of speech of expl
DEBUGGING TEST. NONZERO HITS DOES NOT MEAN THE DATA IS INVALID. The parts of speech of words marked as being expletive dependencies.
Search expression: _ <expl _
Dependents of expl
DEBUGGING TEST. NONZERO HITS DOES NOT MEAN THE DATA IS INVALID. The dependents of a word marked as being an expletive dependency. This should be empty.
Search expression: _ < (_ <expl _)
Heads of expl
DEBUGGING TEST. NONZERO HITS DOES NOT MEAN THE DATA IS INVALID. Parts of speech of words which have an expletive dependency.
Search expression: _ >expl _
Heads of xcomp
DEBUGGING TEST. NONZERO HITS DOES NOT MEAN THE DATA IS INVALID. Parts of speech of words which have an open clausal complement dependency.
Search expression: _ >xcomp _