Treebank Statistics: UD_Komi_Zyrian-Lattice: POS Tags: PART
There are 15 PART
lemmas (1%), 15 PART
types (0%) and 28 PART
tokens (0%).
Out of 15 observed tags, the rank of PART
is: 11 in number of lemmas, 12 in number of types and 14 in number of tokens.
The 10 most frequent PART
lemmas: весиг, и, ӧд, быттьӧ, вӧлӧмкӧ, да, нӧ, вот, гашкӧ, дерт
The 10 most frequent PART
types: весиг, и, ӧд, быттьӧ, вӧлӧмкӧ, да, нӧ, Ну, вот, гашкӧ
The 10 most frequent ambiguous lemmas: весиг (PART 5, ADV 3), и (CCONJ 82, ADV 36, PART 4), ӧд (ADV 8, PART 3, NOUN 2), быттьӧ (ADV 6, SCONJ 4, PART 2), да (CCONJ 127, ADV 4, PART 2, SCONJ 2), нӧ (ADV 9, PART 2), вот (ADV 1, NOUN 1, PART 1), гашкӧ (ADV 4, PART 1), дерт (ADV 6, PART 1), пӧ (ADV 5, PART 1)
The 10 most frequent ambiguous types: весиг (PART 3, ADV 1), и (CCONJ 65, ADV 36, PART 3), ӧд (ADV 7, PART 2), быттьӧ (ADV 6, SCONJ 4, PART 2), да (CCONJ 124, ADV 4, SCONJ 2, PART 1), нӧ (ADV 9, PART 2), вот (ADV 1, NOUN 1, PART 1), гашкӧ (ADV 3, PART 1), дерт (ADV 6, PART 1), пӧ (ADV 5, PART 1)
- весиг
- и
- ӧд
- быттьӧ
- да
- нӧ
- вот
- ADV 1: А вот тайӧ керкаясас олісны кык вок — Нетулика Сеня да Тулика Прокоп .
- NOUN 1: A сэтшӧм пыр кипом колан кӧлуйяс , кыдз шуам пищальяс , вот мынтан табель , ӧчки да кад урчитан пас — календарь , кодъясӧс вӧлі колӧ ёнджыка видзны саймовтчӧмысь и мед найӧ пыр вӧліны син улынӧсь , Гриш найӧс видзис матича тувйын либӧ ен джаджйын …
- PART 1: И вот найӧ шыбласьӧны нин канаваӧ , кыссьӧны турун пӧвстті , старайтчӧны воӧдчыны кыдз позьӧ матӧджык .
- гашкӧ
- дерт
- пӧ
The form / lemma ratio of PART
is 1.000000 (the average of all parts of speech is 1.467532).
The 1st highest number of forms (1) was observed with the lemma “быттьӧ”: быттьӧ.
The 2nd highest number of forms (1) was observed with the lemma “весиг”: весиг.
The 3rd highest number of forms (1) was observed with the lemma “вот”: вот.
does not occur with any features.
nodes are attached to their parents using 4 different relations: advmod:eval (12; 43% instances), advmod (11; 39% instances), advmod:foc (4; 14% instances), advmod:deg (1; 4% instances)
Parents of PART
nodes belong to 4 different parts of speech: VERB (20; 71% instances), ADJ (3; 11% instances), NOUN (3; 11% instances), PRON (2; 7% instances)
27 (96%) PART
nodes are leaves.
1 (4%) PART
nodes have one child.
The highest child degree of a PART
node is 1.
Children of PART
nodes are attached using 1 different relations: punct (1; 100% instances)
Children of PART
nodes belong to 1 different parts of speech: PUNCT (1; 100% instances)