Treebank Statistics: UD_Komi_Zyrian-Lattice: Features: Tense
This feature is universal.
It occurs with 3 different values: Fut
, Past
, Pres
1087 tokens (13%) have a non-empty value of Tense
734 types (21%) occur at least once with a non-empty value of Tense
508 lemmas (22%) occur at least once with a non-empty value of Tense
The feature is used with 2 part-of-speech tags: VERB (847; 10% instances), AUX (240; 3% instances).
847 VERB tokens (63% of all VERB
tokens) have a non-empty value of Tense
The most frequent other feature values with which VERB
and Tense
co-occurred: Derivation=EMPTY (845; 100%), Case=EMPTY (806; 95%), Mood=Ind (764; 90%), VerbForm=EMPTY (764; 90%), Person=3 (652; 77%), Number=Sing (595; 70%).
tokens may have the following values of Tense
(44; 5% of non-emptyTense
): Локтас, ковмас, петас, мунас, Тӧдмалас, быдмасны, бӧръяс, вермас, веськалас, видзӧдласPast
(580; 68% of non-emptyTense
): воис, идралӧм, лои, идралӧмын, видзӧдліс, кыліс, муніс, шуис, шыасис, юалісPres
(223; 26% of non-emptyTense
): мунӧ, аддза, воӧ, думайта, кажитчӧ, локтӧ, пукалӧ, тыдалӧ, Кӧсъян, аддзанEMPTY
(504): лоны, шуны, мунны, вӧчны, пов, виччысьны, волыны, восьлавны, жалит, нуны
Paradigm мунны | Pres | Fut | Past |
Number=Sing | мунӧ | мунас | муніс |
Number=Plur | мунісны |
240 AUX tokens (78% of all AUX
tokens) have a non-empty value of Tense
The most frequent other feature values with which AUX
and Tense
co-occurred: Mood=Ind (240; 100%), Person=3 (197; 82%), Number=Sing (165; 69%), Polarity=Neg (126; 53%).
tokens may have the following values of Tense
(11; 5% of non-emptyTense
): вермас, лоас, кутас, вермасны, позяс, пондасныPast
(134; 56% of non-emptyTense
): эз, вӧлі, эг, вӧліны, кутіс, пондіс, эн, вӧлӧма, коліс, лоиныPres
(95; 40% of non-emptyTense
): оз, колӧ, он, ог, позьӧ, эм, лоам, оз-ӧ, эмӧсь, ОвлывлӧEMPTY
(68): абу, вермы, кут, не, лоны, Эн, абуӧсь, вӧв, вӧвны, позь
Paradigm вермыны | Pres | Fut | Past |
Number=Sing|Person=1 | верми | ||
Number=Sing|Person=2 | верман | ||
Number=Sing|Person=3 | вермас | ||
Number=Plur|Person=3 | вермасны | вермисны |
Relations with Agreement in Tense
The 10 most frequent relations where parent and child node agree in Tense
VERB –[conj]–> VERB (154; 66%),
VERB –[appos]–> VERB (2; 67%),
VERB –[acl:relcl]–> VERB (1; 100%),
VERB –[conj]–> AUX (1; 100%),
VERB –[parataxis]–> AUX (1; 100%).