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Treebank Statistics: UD_Korean-Kaist: Relations: fixed

This relation is universal.

3186 nodes (1%) are attached to their parents as fixed.

3186 instances of fixed (100%) are left-to-right (parent precedes child). Average distance between parent and child is 1.

The following 13 pairs of parts of speech are connected with fixed: NOUN-ADJ (2458; 77% instances), NOUN-SCONJ (260; 8% instances), ADV-ADJ (207; 6% instances), NOUN-VERB (65; 2% instances), ADV-SCONJ (62; 2% instances), NOUN-CCONJ (62; 2% instances), NOUN-NOUN (33; 1% instances), ADV-CCONJ (18; 1% instances), NOUN-ADV (11; 0% instances), ADV-VERB (6; 0% instances), ADV-ADV (2; 0% instances), ADV-NOUN (1; 0% instances), NOUN-AUX (1; 0% instances).

# visual-style 13	bgColor:blue
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# visual-style 12	fgColor:white
# visual-style 12 13 fixed	color:blue
1	십	십	NUM	nnc	_	2	nummod	_	Translit=.sib|LTranslit=.sib
2	년이	년+이	NOUN	nbu+jcs	_	3	nsubj	_	Translit=.nyeon.i|LTranslit=.nyeon+.i
3	넘는	넘+는	VERB	pvg+etm	_	4	acl	_	Translit=.neom.neun|LTranslit=.neom+.neun
4	기자노릇을	기자+노릇+을	NOUN	ncn+ncn+jco	_	5	obj	_	Translit=.gi.ja.no.reus.eul|LTranslit=.gi.ja+.no.reus+.eul
5	하면서	하+면서	SCONJ	pvg+ecs	_	11	ccomp	_	Translit=.ha.myeon.seo|LTranslit=.ha+.myeon.seo
6	나는	나+는	PRON	npp+jxt	_	11	dislocated	_	Translit=.na.neun|LTranslit=.na+.neun
7	운	운	NOUN	ncn	_	8	dep	_	Translit=.un|LTranslit=.un
8	좋게	좋+게	SCONJ	paa+ecs	_	11	xcomp	_	Translit=.joh.ge|LTranslit=.joh+.ge
9	여러	여러	ADJ	mma	_	10	amod	_	Translit=.yeo.reo|LTranslit=.yeo.reo
10	나라를	나라+를	NOUN	ncn+jco	_	11	obj	_	Translit=.na.ra.reul|LTranslit=.na.ra+.reul
11	여행할	여행+하+ㄹ	VERB	ncpa+xsv+etm	_	0	root	_	Translit=.yeo.haeng.hal|LTranslit=.yeo.haeng+.ha+ㄹ
12	수가	수+가	NOUN	nbn+jcs	_	11	obl	_	OrigDeprel=aux|Translit=.su.ga|LTranslit=.su+.ga
13	있었다	있+었+다	ADJ	paa+ep+ef	_	12	fixed	_	SpaceAfter=No|Translit=.iss.eoss.da|LTranslit=.iss+.eoss+.da
14	.	.	PUNCT	sf	_	12	punct	_	Translit=.|LTranslit=.

# visual-style 8	bgColor:blue
# visual-style 8	fgColor:white
# visual-style 7	bgColor:blue
# visual-style 7	fgColor:white
# visual-style 7 8 fixed	color:blue
1	술에	술+에	ADV	ncn+jxc	_	2	advcl	_	Translit=.sul.e|LTranslit=.sul+.e
2	취해	취하+어	SCONJ	pvg+ecs	_	4	ccomp	_	Translit=.chwi.hae|LTranslit=.chwi.ha+.eo
3	곤드레만드레	곤드레만드레	ADV	mag	_	4	advmod	_	Translit=.gon.deu.re.man.deu.re|LTranslit=.gon.deu.re.man.deu.re
4	된	되+ㄴ	VERB	pvg+etm	_	5	acl	_	Translit=.doen|LTranslit=.doe+ㄴ
5	친구를	친구+를	NOUN	ncn+jco	_	11	obj	_	Translit=.chin.gu.reul|LTranslit=.chin.gu+.reul
6	할	하+ㄹ	VERB	pvg+etm	_	11	ccomp	_	Translit=.hal|LTranslit=.ha+ㄹ
7	수	수	NOUN	nbn	_	6	obl	_	OrigDeprel=aux|Translit=.su|LTranslit=.su
8	없이	없+이	SCONJ	paa+ecs	_	7	fixed	_	Translit=.eobs.i|LTranslit=.eobs+.i
9	자기집까지	자기집+까지	ADV	ncn+jxc	_	11	advcl	_	Translit=.ja.gi.jib.gga.ji|LTranslit=.ja.gi.jib+.gga.ji
10	데리고	데리+고	CCONJ	pvg+ecc	_	0	root	_	Translit=.de.ri.go|LTranslit=.de.ri+.go
11	갔다	가+ㅆ+다	VERB	pvg+ep+ef	_	10	conj	_	SpaceAfter=No|Translit=.gass.da|LTranslit=.ga+ㅆ+.da
12	.	.	PUNCT	sf	_	11	punct	_	Translit=.|LTranslit=.

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# visual-style 11	bgColor:blue
# visual-style 11	fgColor:white
# visual-style 11 12 fixed	color:blue
1	옛	옛	ADJ	mma	_	2	amod	_	Translit=.yes|LTranslit=.yes
2	서울의	서울+의	PROPN	nq+jcm	_	4	nmod	_	Translit=.seo.ul.yi|LTranslit=.seo.ul+.yi
3	아름답던	아름답+던	ADJ	paa+etm	_	4	amod	_	Translit=.a.reum.dab.deon|LTranslit=.a.reum.dab+.deon
4	기와집들은	기와집+들+은	NOUN	ncn+xsn+jxt	_	10	dislocated	_	Translit=.gi.wa.jib.deul.eun|LTranslit=.gi.wa.jib+.deul+.eun
5	모두	모두	ADV	mag	_	7	advmod	_	Translit=.mo.du|LTranslit=.mo.du
6	불에	불+에	ADV	ncn+jca	_	7	obl	_	Translit=.bul.e|LTranslit=.bul+.e
7	타	타+아	SCONJ	pvg+ecs	_	0	root	_	Translit=.ta|LTranslit=.ta+.a
8	없어지고	없+어+지+고	CCONJ	paa+ecx+px+ecc	_	7	conj	_	Translit=.eobs.eo.ji.go|LTranslit=.eobs+.eo+.ji+.go
9	초가집으로	초가집+으로	ADV	ncn+jca	_	10	advcl	_	Translit=.cho.ga.jib.eu.ro|LTranslit=.cho.ga.jib+.eu.ro
10	바뀔	바뀌+ㄹ	VERB	pvg+etm	_	7	conj	_	Translit=.ba.ggwil|LTranslit=.ba.ggwi+ㄹ
11	수밖에	수+밖에	ADV	nbn+jxc	_	10	advmod	_	Translit=.su.bagg.e|LTranslit=.su+.bagg.e
12	없었습니다	없+었+습니다	ADJ	paa+ep+ef	_	11	fixed	_	SpaceAfter=No|Translit=.eobs.eoss.seub.ni.da|LTranslit=.eobs+.eoss+.seub.ni.da
13	.	.	PUNCT	sf	_	11	punct	_	Translit=.|LTranslit=.