Treebank Statistics: UD_Italian-Old: Features: Poss
This feature is universal.
It occurs with 1 different values: Yes
2664 tokens (3%) have a non-empty value of Poss
61 types (1%) occur at least once with a non-empty value of Poss
23 lemmas (0%) occur at least once with a non-empty value of Poss
The feature is used with 2 part-of-speech tags: PRON (1393; 2% instances), DET (1271; 2% instances).
1393 PRON tokens (14% of all PRON
tokens) have a non-empty value of Poss
The most frequent other feature values with which PRON
and Poss
co-occurred: PronType=Prs (1393; 100%), Gender=EMPTY (1369; 98%), Number=EMPTY (1367; 98%), Reflex=EMPTY (1248; 90%), Person=1 (1024; 74%), Clitic=EMPTY (786; 56%).
tokens may have the following values of Poss
(1393; 100% of non-emptyPoss
): io, mi, me, ti, tu, m’, i’, te, t’, eiEMPTY
(8244): che, si, io, mi, ch’, tu, noi, s’, ne, lui
seems to be lexical feature of PRON
. 100% lemmas (21) occur only with one value of Poss
1271 DET tokens (13% of all DET
tokens) have a non-empty value of Poss
The most frequent other feature values with which DET
and Poss
co-occurred: Definite=EMPTY (1271; 100%), PronType=Prs (1271; 100%), Number=Sing (913; 72%), Gender=Masc (660; 52%).
tokens may have the following values of Poss
(1271; 100% of non-emptyPoss
): mio, sua, suo, mia, lor, tua, tuo, sue, suoi, mieiEMPTY
(8448): il, la, l’, ‘l, le, li, lo, un, i, una
Relations with Agreement in Poss
The 10 most frequent relations where parent and child node agree in Poss
DET –[conj]–> DET (2; 100%),
PRON –[flat:redup]–> PRON (1; 100%).