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Treebank Statistics: UD_Middle_French-PROFITEROLE: Relations: appos

This relation is universal.

81 nodes (1%) are attached to their parents as appos.

81 instances of appos (100%) are left-to-right (parent precedes child). Average distance between parent and child is 4.59259259259259.

The following 11 pairs of parts of speech are connected with appos: NOUN-NOUN (51; 63% instances), PROPN-NOUN (13; 16% instances), NOUN-PROPN (7; 9% instances), PRON-NOUN (3; 4% instances), ADJ-PRON (1; 1% instances), NOUN-ADJ (1; 1% instances), NOUN-PRON (1; 1% instances), PRON-PRON (1; 1% instances), PROPN-PROPN (1; 1% instances), PROPN-VERB (1; 1% instances), VERB-NOUN (1; 1% instances).

# visual-style 6	bgColor:blue
# visual-style 6	fgColor:white
# visual-style 4	bgColor:blue
# visual-style 4	fgColor:white
# visual-style 4 6 appos	color:blue
1	Et	et	CCONJ	CONcoo	_	9	cc:nc	_	XmlId=w_42_05470
2	par	par1	ADP	PRE	_	4	case	_	XmlId=w_42_05471
3	la	le	DET	DETdef	Definite=Def|PronType=Art	4	det	_	XmlId=w_42_05472
4	royne	reine1	NOUN	NOMcom	_	9	obl	_	XmlId=w_42_05473
5	sa	son4	DET	DETpos	Poss=Yes	6	det	_	XmlId=w_42_05474
6	mere	mère	NOUN	NOMcom	_	4	appos	_	XmlId=w_42_05475
7	totallement	totalement	ADV	ADVgen	_	9	advmod	_	XmlId=w_42_05476
8	se	se1	PRON	PROper	PronType=Prs	9	expl	_	XmlId=w_42_05477
9	gouvernoit	gouverner	VERB	VERcjg	VerbForm=Fin	0	root	_	SpaceAfter=No|XmlId=w_42_05478
10	,	,	PUNCT	PONfbl	_	9	punct	_	XmlId=w_42_05479

# visual-style 13	bgColor:blue
# visual-style 13	fgColor:white
# visual-style 9	bgColor:blue
# visual-style 9	fgColor:white
# visual-style 9 13 appos	color:blue
1	Cy	ci1	ADV	ADVgen	_	2	advmod	_	XmlId=w_42_00001
2	commence	commencer	VERB	VERcjg	VerbForm=Fin	0	root	_	XmlId=w_42_00002
3	ung	un	DET	DETndf	Definite=Ind|PronType=Art	7	det	_	XmlId=w_42_00003
4	noble	noble1	ADJ	ADJqua	_	7	amod	_	XmlId=w_42_00004
5	et	et	CCONJ	CONcoo	_	6	cc	_	XmlId=w_42_00005
6	tresexcellent	excellent	ADJ	ADJqua	_	4	conj	_	XmlId=w_42_00006
7	romant	roman	NOUN	NOMcom	_	2	nsubj	_	XmlId=w_42_00007
8	nommé	nommer	VERB	VERppe	Tense=Past|VerbForm=Part	7	acl	_	XmlId=w_42_00008
9	Jehan	Jean	PROPN	NOMpro	_	8	xcomp	_	XmlId=w_42_00009
10	de	de	ADP	PRE	_	11	case	_	XmlId=w_42_00010
11	Paris	Paris	PROPN	NOMpro	_	9	nmod	_	SpaceAfter=No|XmlId=w_42_00011
12	,	,	PUNCT	PONfbl	_	9	punct	_	XmlId=w_42_00012
13	roy	roi1	NOUN	NOMcom	_	9	appos	_	XmlId=w_42_00013
14	de	de	ADP	PRE	_	15	case	_	XmlId=w_42_00014
15	France	France	PROPN	NOMpro	_	13	nmod	_	SpaceAfter=No|XmlId=w_42_00015
16	.	.	PUNCT	PONfrt	_	2	punct	_	XmlId=w_42_00016

# visual-style 20	bgColor:blue
# visual-style 20	fgColor:white
# visual-style 16	bgColor:blue
# visual-style 16	fgColor:white
# visual-style 16 20 appos	color:blue
1	Bien	bien	ADV	ADVgen	_	2	advmod	_	XmlId=w_32_02230
2	peu	peu	ADV	ADVgen	_	12	advmod	_	XmlId=w_32_02231
3	de	de	ADP	PRE	_	4	case	_	XmlId=w_32_02232
4	jours	jour	NOUN	NOMcom	_	2	nmod	_	XmlId=w_32_02233
5	après	après	ADP	PRE	_	7	case	_	XmlId=w_32_02234
6	le	le	DET	DETdef	Definite=Def|PronType=Art	7	det	_	XmlId=w_32_02235
7	partement	partement	NOUN	NOMcom	_	4	nmod	_	XmlId=w_32_02236
8	des	de.le	ADP	PRE.DETdef	_	9	case:det	_	XmlId=w_32_02237
9	embassadeurs	ambassadeur	NOUN	NOMcom	_	7	nmod	_	XmlId=w_32_02238
10	dessusdicts	dessus-dit	ADJ	ADJqua	_	9	amod	_	SpaceAfter=No|XmlId=w_32_02239
11	,	,	PUNCT	PONfbl	_	12	punct	_	XmlId=w_32_02240
12	vint	venir	VERB	VERcjg	VerbForm=Fin	0	root	_	XmlId=w_32_02241
13	à	à	ADP	PRE	_	14	case	_	XmlId=w_32_02242
14	Lisle	Lille	PROPN	NOMpro	_	12	obl	_	XmlId=w_32_02243
15	le	le	DET	DETdef	Definite=Def|PronType=Art	16	det	_	XmlId=w_32_02244
16	duc	duc1	NOUN	NOMcom	_	12	nsubj	_	XmlId=w_32_02245
17	de	de	ADP	PRE	_	18	case	_	XmlId=w_32_02246
18	Bourbon	Bourbon	PROPN	NOMpro	_	16	nmod	_	SpaceAfter=No|XmlId=w_32_02247
19	,	,	PUNCT	PONfbl	_	16	punct	_	XmlId=w_32_02248
20	Jehan	Jean	PROPN	NOMpro	_	16	appos	_	SpaceAfter=No|XmlId=w_32_02249
21	,	,	PUNCT	PONfbl	_	23	punct	_	XmlId=w_32_02250
22	dernier	dernier	ADV	ADVgen	_	23	amod	_	XmlId=w_32_02251
23	mort	mourir	VERB	VERppe	Tense=Past|VerbForm=Part	20	appos	_	SpaceAfter=No|XmlId=w_32_02252
24	,	,	PUNCT	PONfbl	_	23	punct	_	XmlId=w_32_02253
25	faignant	feindre	VERB	VERppa	Tense=Pres|VerbForm=Part	16	acl	_	XmlId=w_32_02254
26	venir	venir	VERB	VERinf	VerbForm=Inf	25	advcl	_	XmlId=w_32_02255
27	veoir	voir1	VERB	VERinf	VerbForm=Inf	26	xcomp	_	XmlId=w_32_02256
28	son	son4	DET	DETpos	Poss=Yes	29	det	_	XmlId=w_32_02257
29	oncle	oncle	NOUN	NOMcom	_	27	obj	_	SpaceAfter=No|XmlId=w_32_02258
30	,	,	PUNCT	PONfbl	_	29	punct	_	XmlId=w_32_02259
31	lequel	lequel	PRON	PROrel	PronType=Rel	38	nsubj	_	XmlId=w_32_02260
32	entre	entre	ADP	PRE	_	35	case	_	XmlId=w_32_02261
33	toutes	tout2	DET	DETind	PronType=Ind	35	det	_	XmlId=w_32_02262
34	les	le	DET	DETdef	Definite=Def|PronType=Art	35	det	_	XmlId=w_32_02263
35	maisons	maison	NOUN	NOMcom	_	38	obl	_	XmlId=w_32_02264
36	du	de.le	ADP	PRE.DETdef	_	37	case:det	_	XmlId=w_32_02265
37	monde	monde1	NOUN	NOMcom	_	35	nmod	_	XmlId=w_32_02266
38	aymoit	aimer	VERB	VERcjg	VerbForm=Fin	29	acl	_	XmlId=w_32_02267
39	cette	cist	DET	DETdem	PronType=Dem	40	det	_	XmlId=w_32_02268
40	maison	maison	NOUN	NOMcom	_	38	obj	_	XmlId=w_32_02269
41	de	de	ADP	PRE	_	42	case	_	XmlId=w_32_02270
42	Bourbon	Bourbon	PROPN	NOMpro	_	40	nmod	_	SpaceAfter=No|XmlId=w_32_02271
43	.	.	PUNCT	PONfrt	_	12	punct	_	XmlId=w_32_02272