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obl:float: oblique as a floating modifier

The relation obl:float is used for floating modifiers весь ‘all’, каждый ‘every’, один ‘only; alone’, оба ‘both’, sam ‘oneself’ etc. that modify objective, dative, etc. argument in the clause.

Мальчики взяли по пять яблок каждый . \n The boys took five apples each . 
obl:float(яблок, каждый) 
obl:float(apples, each)

obl:float can attach directly to the verb (or other predicative) if the (semantically modified) argument is ommited.

Поймите же оба ! \n Understand ( you ) both . 
obl:float(Поймите, оба) 
obl:float(Understand, both)


Я. Г. Тестелец. Введение в общий синтаксис. М.: РГГУ, 2001.

obl:float in other languages: [orv] [ru]