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csubj:cop: clausal copular subject

A clausal copular subject (csubj:cop) is a clause that acts as the subject of another, copular clause. As in all copular clauses, the predicative acts as the head of the clause and hence it is also the governor of the copular subject.

А тонь мень тев киян мон?.. \n What business is that of yours who I am?..
nmod:poss(тев-4, мень-3)
csubj:cop(тев-4, киян-5)
nsubj(киян-5, мон-6)

csubj:cop in other languages: [et] [fi] [ga] [gd] [gv] [kpv] [mdf] [myv] [olo] [tr] [vep]