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iobj:agent: agentive indirect object

In a causative construction, the iobj:agent relation attaches the causative (infinitive) verb to his agent, when the latter is the syntactical indirect object of the sentence (this initial agent has been demoted and became an indirect object in the causative construction).

Մի ՛ հիշեցրու ինձ այդ անունը ։ \n Don't remind me of-that name !
iobj:agent(հիշեցրու, ինձ)
iobj:agent(remind, me)
obj(հիշեցրու, անունը)
obj(remind, name)

The true agent of the verb հիշեցնել “remind of” in the sentence is ինձ “me”, i.e. “I will remember that name.”

Ինձ հիշեցնել մի ՛ տուր այդ անունը ։ \n Don't make me remember that name .
iobj:agent(հիշեցնել, Ինձ)
iobj:agent(remember, me)
aux:caus(հիշեցնել, տուր)
aux:caus(remember, make)
obj(հիշեցնել, անունը)
obj(remember, name)

The true agent of the verb հիշեցնել տալ “make remember (lit: make remind of)” in the sentence is still ինձ “me”, i.e. “I will remind of that name.”

Քեզ հիշեցնել մի ՛ տուր այդ անունը ։ \n Don't make (someone) remind you of-that name .
iobj:agent(հիշեցնել, Քեզ)
iobj:agent(remind, you)
aux:caus(հիշեցնել, տուր)
aux:caus(remind, make)
obj(հիշեցնել, անունը)
obj(remind, name)

The true agent of the verb հիշեցնել տալ “make remember (lit: make remind of)” is քեզ “you”, i.e. “You will remember that name.”

The causative (infinitive) verb governs the syntactical subject of the sentence (i.e. the causer) with a nsubj:caus relation. The infinitive verb governs the causative auxiliary with an aux:caus relation.

For more details see specific-syntax.

iobj:agent in other languages: [fr] [hy] [hyw] [pcm]