: punctuation
tag is used for the following categories of symbols.
Sentence-final punctuation
Sof Pasuq
This marks the end of a verse.
וימת יוסף בן־מאה ועשר שנים ויחנטו אתו ויישם בארון במצרים׃
ṿayamat yosef ben meʼah ṿaʻeśer shanim ṿayaḥanṭu ʼoto ṿayiśem baʼaron bemitsrayim
And Joseph died, 120 years old, and they embalmed him, and they put him in a box in Egypt.
Sentence-internal punctuation
This functions like a hyphen.
ואלה תולדות פרץ פרץ הוליד את־חצרון׃
ṿeʼeleh toldot parets perets holid ʼet ḥetsron
And these are the generations of Perez: Perez fathered Hezron.
The meaning of this symbol is uncertain, but it may be a separator.
וארא בחלמי והנה׀ שבע שבלים עלת בקנה אחד מלאת וטבות׃
ṿaʼereʼ baḥalomi ṿehineh shevaʻ shibolim ʻolot beḳaneh ʼeḥad meleʼot ṿeṭovot
“And I saw in my dream and behold! seven heads of grain ascending from one stalk, full and good.”
Paragraph Breaks
The Setumah indicates a break within a paragraph.
ותהיין מרת רוח ליצחק ולרבקה׃ ס
ṿatihyena morat ruḥa leyitsḥaḳ ulrivḳah s
And they were a bitter spirit for Isaac and Rebekah.
The Petuhah indicates a break between paragraphs.
ויסע אברם הלוך ונסוע הנגבה׃ פ
ṿayisaʻ ʼavram halokh ṿenasoʻa hanegbah p
And Abram departed, walking and departing, to the south.
PUNCT in other languages: [bej] [bg] [ca] [cs] [cy] [da] [el] [en] [es] [et] [fi] [fr] [ga] [grc] [hy] [hyw] [it] [ja] [ka] [kk] [kpv] [ky] [myv] [no] [pt] [ru] [sl] [sv] [tr] [tt] [uk] [u] [urj] [xcl] [yue] [zh]