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obl:npmod: noun phrase as adverbial modifier

This relation is a subtype of the obl relation, which captures cases where something syntactically a noun phrase is used as an adverbial modifier in a sentence. This primarily covers the construction which in traditional grammars is called the infinitive absolute.

ויאמר הנחש אל־האשה לא־מות תמתון׃

ṿayoʼmer hanaḥash ʼel haʼishah loʼ mot temutun

And the snake said to the woman “You will not definitely die.”.

The majority of verbs in the infinitive absolute appear immediately before a finite verb with the same lemma, as in the example above. In the rare cases where it appears afterwards, it usually either has a different lemma or is coordinated with another infinitive absolute form. In both of these situations, it is attached with advcl instead.

ויגדל האיש וילך הלוך וגדל עד כי־גדל מאד׃

ṿayigdal haʼish ṿayelekh halokh ṿegadel ʻad ki gadal meʼod

And the man went, going and growing strong, until he was very strong.

If this construction occurs with the copula, the infinitive is attached to the predicate, still with obl:npmod.

ואברהם היו יהיה לגוי גדול ועצום ונברכו בו כל גויי הארץ׃

ṿeʼavraham hayo yihyeh lego gadol ṿeʻatsum ṿenivrekhu bo kol goye haʼarets

And Abraham will definitely be a large and mighty people and all peoples of the earth will be blessed in him.

The name of this relation was determined in Issue #832, but may at some point be renamed as a result of the discussion in Issue #1028.

obl:npmod in other languages: [en] [hbo] [he]