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Cmpd: compound preposition

In Irish, a simple preposition can be combined with a noun to give a compound preposition. Nouns following compound prepositions are inflected in the genitive case (see Case).


A list of all compound prepositions is as follows:

ar aghaidh an dorais"opposite the door" ar chúl an tí"behind the house" ar feadh míosa"for a month" ar fud na háite"throughout the place
ar lorg oibre"searching for work" ar nós na gaoithe"like the wind" ar son"for God's sake" d'ainneoin na taoide"in spite of the tide"
de bharr troda"as a result of fighting" de chois an tí"near the house" de chóir an tí"near the house" de dheasca an óil"as a result of drink"
de dhíobháil airgid"for want of money" de réir cirt"by right" de réir an scéil"according to the story" de thairbhe an eolais"on account of the knowledge"
faoi bhráid an rí"before the king" faoi bhun tríocha"under thirty" faoi cheann bliana"within a year" faoi choinne uisce"to fetch water"
faoi choinne bhean an tí"for (the benefit/purpose of) the woman of the house" faoi dhéin"for the purpose of" go ceann míosa"for a month (duration)" i bhfeighil an tí"in charge of the house"
i bhfianaise"before God (as a witness)" i bhfochair Sheáin"in John's company" i dteannta a chéile"together" i dtrátha a sé"about six o'clock"
i dtuilleamaí Mháire"depending on Mary" i gcaitheamh an lae"during the day" i gceann míosa"in a month's time" i gcionn oibre"(set) to work"
i gcóir an tae"for tea" i gcosamar Thomáis"in Tom's company" i gcuideachta na bpáistí"in the company of the children" i lár na páirce"in the middle of the field"
i láthair an tsagairt"before the priest (in the presence of)" i mbun an tí"in charge of the house" i measc na bpáistí"among the children" i ndiaidh na cainte sin"after that talk"
i rith an gheimhridh"during the winter" in aghaidh na gaoithe"against the wind" in aice an tí"near the house" in airicis Mháire"to meet Mary"
in éadan an Rialtais"against the government" in ionad scuaibe"instead of a brush" le cois an airgid"along with the money (as well as)" le haghaidh an dinnéir"for dinner (purpose)"
le hais an dorais"beside the door" le linn an chogaidh"during the war" os cionn an dorais"above the door" os coinne an tí"opposite the house"
os comhair na cúirte"before the court" tar éis an dinnéir"after dinner" thar ceann an dochtúra"on behalf of the doctor"

Examples taken from Christian Brothers 1994.

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