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vocative:mention: Twitter mentions

The subtype vocative:mention is used in TwittIrish for Twitter @-mentions. The addressee (i.e. the user called out by means of the @-mention) should depend on the head of the host sentence.

@user Go raibh maith agat :) 
vocative:mention(raibh, @user)

However, just like hashtags, whenever they are syntactically integrated into the sentence, they are annotated according to their actual syntactic role.

RT @spleodar: Ní díreach @user ...Ach is maith linn é... léirigh cion inniu - nígh na soithí https://t.co/QaD247f1Dk
nsubj(díreach, @user)

vocative:mention in other languages: [ga] [it] [ro]