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Treebank Statistics: UD_Latin-Perseus: POS Tags: AUX

There are 1 AUX lemmas (0%), 42 AUX types (0%) and 369 AUX tokens (1%). Out of 16 observed tags, the rank of AUX is: 15 in number of lemmas, 9 in number of types and 13 in number of tokens.

The 10 most frequent AUX lemmas: sum

The 10 most frequent AUX types: est, esse, erat, fuit, sunt, sit, esset, erit, es, fuerunt

The 10 most frequent ambiguous lemmas: sum (AUX 369, VERB 1)

The 10 most frequent ambiguous types: fueram (AUX 1, VERB 1)


The form / lemma ratio of AUX is 42.000000 (the average of all parts of speech is 2.102233).

The 1st highest number of forms (42) was observed with the lemma “sum”: eram, erant, eras, erat, erimus, eris, erit, ero, erunt, es, esse, essem, essemus, essent, esset, est, esto, fore, foret, fueram, fuerant, fuerat, fuere, fuerint, fuerit, fuerunt, fui, fuimus, fuisse, fuissent, fuit, futura, futuram, sim, sint, sis, sit, sitis, sum, sumus, sunt, sunto.

AUX occurs with 8 features: Aspect (369; 100% instances), VerbForm (369; 100% instances), Number (316; 86% instances), Mood (313; 85% instances), Person (313; 85% instances), Tense (313; 85% instances), Case (3; 1% instances), Gender (3; 1% instances)

AUX occurs with 22 feature-value pairs: Aspect=Imp, Aspect=Perf, Aspect=Prosp, Case=Acc, Case=Nom, Gender=Fem, Gender=Neut, Mood=Imp, Mood=Ind, Mood=Sub, Number=Plur, Number=Sing, Person=1, Person=2, Person=3, Tense=Fut, Tense=Past, Tense=Pqp, Tense=Pres, VerbForm=Fin, VerbForm=Inf, VerbForm=Part

AUX occurs with 40 feature combinations. The most frequent feature combination is Aspect=Imp|Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Pres|VerbForm=Fin (111 tokens). Examples: est


AUX nodes are attached to their parents using 3 different relations: cop (350; 95% instances), aux:pass (15; 4% instances), aux (4; 1% instances)

Parents of AUX nodes belong to 7 different parts of speech: ADJ (187; 51% instances), NOUN (117; 32% instances), DET (25; 7% instances), VERB (25; 7% instances), PRON (11; 3% instances), ADV (3; 1% instances), PROPN (1; 0% instances)

367 (99%) AUX nodes are leaves.

1 (0%) AUX nodes have one child.

1 (0%) AUX nodes have two children.

The highest child degree of a AUX node is 2.

Children of AUX nodes are attached using 2 different relations: punct (2; 67% instances), cc (1; 33% instances)

Children of AUX nodes belong to 2 different parts of speech: PUNCT (2; 67% instances), CCONJ (1; 33% instances)