: morphological reduplication
Values: | Yes |
Boolean feature signaling morphological reduplication.
: Yes
In Nheengatu, part of a verb root may be repeated, expressing, according to Cruz (2011), iterativity in case of active (dynamic) verbs or intensity of the property or state denoted by an active (static) verb (also analyzed as adjectives).
Examples collected by Cruz (2011:131) among Baré speakers of Nheengatu (our English translation, glosses slightly adapted):
- tambeubeu “they repeatedly told stories” (tau-mu-beu-beu 3plA-CAUS-RED~tell)
- taranha purapuranga “their teeth were excelent” (ta-ranha pura-puranga 3plE-tooth RED~be.beautiful )
Red in other languages: [eme] [gn] [gub] [jaa] [mpu] [myu] [tpn] [yrl]