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Modality: kinds of modality

Values: Proh Cond

As Palmer (2001:1) states, modality is “closely associated with tense and aspect in that all three are categories of the clause and are generally, but not always, marked within the verbal complex.” Modality relates to the status of the proposition that describes an event. Cross-linguistically, it is usually expressed by different types of verbal mood or by modal verbs (Palmer 2001). By contrast, diverse languages express different nuances of modality by particles (Bybee, Perkins, and Pagliuca, 1994). This is the case of Nheengatu, where modality is most often expressed by particles (Cruz 2011).

Proh: prohibitive modality

In Nheengatu, prohibitive modality, or the expression of a negative imperative, is formed by modifying the main predicate with the particle te, with tenhẽ appearing in historical texts. This construction is used to indicate that an action should not be performed (Avila 2021; Cruz 2011).


Cond: hypothetical conditional modality

Hypothetical conditional modality is expressed in present day Nheengatu of the Negro river by the particle maã, historically also by amú in the varieties of the Solimões and Amazonas rivers (Avila 2021).



Modality in other languages: [yrl]