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This page pertains to UD version 2.

UD for Yorùbá

Tokenization and Word Segmentation







Yoruba uses 2 relation subtypes:


There is only one Yorùbá UD treebank at present:


This section will probably be moved to a separate page. Examples are taken from the Language Gulper.

The default interpretation of the bare verb stem is the past tense.

“Olu bought a chair.”

The imperfective auxiliary ń is used to refer to an action in progress in the past or present, or to a habitual action.

“They are (were) playing.”

The perfective auxiliary ti denotes a completed action.

“He/she has gone.”

The auxiliaries á/ó/yió denote the future tense.

“My friend will go.”

A combination of the imperfective/progressive and perfective auxiliaries indicates the beginning of an action in the past (progressive perfect).

“I have started to receive your letters.”

If the verb has two objects, the second one is preceded by the preposition . Therefore the second object is treated as an oblique argument in UD.

“He taught us Yoruba.”

There are serial verb constructions, in which several verbs appear in a sequence without any intervening coordinator or subordinator. They share tense-aspect markers if any, and they may share arguments, although an argument may have different roles with respect to different verbs in the chain. Some of these constructions could be annotated as either compound:svc or xcomp. Precise criteria have yet to be formulated.

“He/she brought it.”

“He/she pushed me and I fell.”

Two transitive verbs combined may have each their own object.

“He/she drew water and filled the pot.”

But there can also be one shared object:

“Ade is buying meat and eating it.”

In focus constructions, a constituent is placed at the front and marked by the morpheme ni. Normal sentence without focus:

“Olú bought a book.”

Object focus:

“It was a book that Olú bought.”

If the subject is focused, there must be a pronoun at the subject position. We treat this as an instance of clitic doubling: the fronted noun phrase is analyzed as the subject, and the pronoun is attached as an expletive:

“It was Olú who bought the book.”

Oblique dependent focus:

“It was in the house that it started.”

The verb can be fronted in its nominalized form. It must be then repeated as a verb.

“Father bought shoes.”
